Manish Sisodia, Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister, has claimed that he is being singled out in the Delhi Excise policy case and is not required to answer the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the way they want. Sisodia, who is seeking bail in the case, has stated that no money trail has been found and he is being targeted unfairly. Sisodia’s colleagues have hit back at these claims, stating that they are making ‘wrong claims’ to influence the probe. The case centers around allegations of corruption in the Delhi excise department and involves several AAP leaders. The CBI has accused Sisodia of being the kingpin of the conspiracy in the liquor policy case, with statements from AAP leaders suggesting that he was involved in the alleged corruption.
Manish Sisodia claims he is being targeted and not required to answer as CBI denies his colleagues’ claims.
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