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Manhattanhenge and 29 other things you didn’t know about New York – Citytrips – Travel

Twice a year the sun shines in a perfectly straight line through the streets of Manhattan, New York used to be called The Big Apple not The Big Apple, there are 400,000 more men than women living in New York and other facts you don’t know yet. knew about New York.

Twice a year, on two days in quick succession, the sun shines in a perfectly straight line through the streets of Manhattan. The first time around May 28 and around July 12/13 and the second time around December 5 and January 8. This is called the Manhattanhenge (after Stonehenge) and Manhattan Solistice.

New York was briefly the capital of the United States between 1789 and 1790.

Chinatown in New York is the largest Chinese neighborhood outside of China.

© Reuters

Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village used to be a cemetery for yellow fever victims. Later, executions took place in public.

At first glance, New York looks like one big concrete jungle. Yet fourteen percent of the city consists of parks. The city has more than 1,700 parks with a total area of ​​110 square kilometers.

In addition, New York also has more than 20 kilometers of beaches.

Central Park is not the largest park in New York. For example, Pelham Bay Park in The Bronx and Flushing Meadows-Corona Park are larger.

In the vaults under the Federal Reserve Bank on Wall Street is more than 25 percent of the world’s total gold supply.

Why are all New York taxis yellow? That’s because the founder of the taxi service John Hertz had read that yellow is the color that stands out the most.

Brooklyn was an independent city until 1898 and even a great rival to New York. If Brooklyn were still a separate city today, it would be the largest city in the US after New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Dutch explorer Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island for $24 worth of trinkets and utensils from the Algonquin Indians.

New York used to have ‘cowboys’, but unlike other ‘cowboys’ they weren’t drovers, but men on horses who with red flags warned walkers on Eleventh Avenue of approaching trains. The Avenue was also known as Death Avenue. Today the popular High Line Park is located on this site.

High Line Park, REUTERS
High Line Park © REUTERS

New Yorkers take an average of 40 minutes to get from home to work.

There are about 400,000 more women than men living in New York.

About 250 films are shot in New York every year.

The crime rate has fallen dramatically in recent years. In 1991, there were more than 2,000 murders a year, and no one ventured into Central Park after sunset. Today, the homicide rate is around 400 a year and New York is one of the safest cities in the US.

New York has the largest Jewish community outside of Israel.

More than thirty percent of New York’s residents were born abroad, and as many as 800 different languages ​​are spoken.

New York owes its nickname Big Apple to the author Edward S. Martin. In 1909, in his book The Wayfarer of New York, he wrote that other cities found New York greedy and expressed it with the phrase, “the big apple gets a disproportionate share of the national juice.”

Before New York was called The Big Apple, the city was nicknamed the Big Orange. The Dutch captain Anthonio Colve gave New York this name in honor of the Dutch Prince of Orange-Nassau, King Willem III.

Musicians who want to play on the New York subway must audition with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). Those who pass are allowed to play their music for two weeks. Their audience is huge: about 173,000 passengers pass through Times Square station every day.

Below the Frick Collection museum is an old bowling alley that was built in the 19th century at the request of Henry Clay Frick. The course still looks as it did then and is open to the public.

Five sections of the Berlin Wall are on display in New York: two pieces in Paley Park, one in Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, in the World Financial Center and in the gardens of the United Nations Headquarters.

The famous Steinway grand pianos are made in New York. The Steinway Piano Factory in Queens can be visited.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, iStockphoto
Metropolitan Museum of Art © iStockphoto

The Metropolitan Museum of Art holds more than two million works of art, making it one of the largest museums in the world. The collection of Asian art is special, one of the most extensive outside Asia.

It was once proposed to call New York Brimaquonx, a combination of the names of the five boroughs: Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, Queens and Bronx.

The rivers and streams in Central Park are all man-made and can be turned on and off.

Between 45th and 46th Streets and Broadway, walkers hear a deep and menacing sound coming from the subway. That is not a generator that makes noise, but a work of art by sound artist Max Neuhaus. It was constructed in 1977.

Not only London, but also New York has a ‘whispering gallery’. In Grand Central Station is a whispering gallery where people standing in opposite corners can hear each other in a whisper.

The unique taste of New York pizza is said to be associated with the city’s tap water. (MS)

Twice a year, on two days in quick succession, the sun shines in a perfectly straight line through the streets of Manhattan. The first time around May 28 and around July 12/13 and the second time around December 5 and January 8. This is sometimes called the Manhattanhenge (after Stonehenge) and Manhattan Solistice. Between 1789 and 1790 New York was briefly the capital of the United States. New York’s Chinatown is the largest Chinese neighborhood outside of China. Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village used to be a cemetery for victims of yellow fever. Later, executions took place in public. At first glance, New York looks like one big concrete jungle. Yet fourteen percent of the city consists of parks. The city has more than 1,700 parks with a total area of ​​110 square kilometers. In addition, New York also has more than 20 kilometers of beaches. Central Park is not the largest park in New York. For example, Pelham Bay Park in The Bronx and Flushing Meadows-Corona Park are larger. In the vaults under the Federal Reserve Bank on Wall Street is more than 25 percent of the world’s total gold supply. Why are all New York taxis yellow? That’s because the founder of the taxi service John Hertz had read that yellow is the color that stands out the most. Brooklyn was an independent city until 1898 and even a great rival to New York. If Brooklyn were still a separate city today, it would be the largest city in the US after New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The Dutch explorer Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island for $24 worth of trinkets and utensils from the Algonquin Indians. New York used to have ‘cowboys’, but unlike other ‘cowboys’ they were not drovers, but men on horses who wore red flags warned walkers on Eleventh Avenue of arriving trains. The Avenue was also known as Death Avenue. Today, the popular High Line Park is located here. New Yorkers take an average of 40 minutes to get from home to work. New York is home to about 400,000 more women than men. About 250 films are shot in New York every year. The crime rate has fallen dramatically in recent years. In 1991, there were still more than 2,000 murders a year, and no one ventured into Central Park after sunset. Today, the homicide rate is around 400 a year and New York is one of the safest cities in the US. New York has the largest Jewish community outside of Israel. More than thirty percent of New York’s residents were born abroad and as many as 800 different languages ​​are spoken. New York owes its nickname Big Apple to the author Edward S. Martin. In 1909, in his book The Wayfarer of New York, he wrote that other cities found New York greedy and expressed it with the phrase, “the big apple gets a disproportionate share of the national juice.” Before New York was called the Big Apple, the town nicknamed Big Orange. The Dutch captain Anthonio Colve gave New York this name in honor of the Dutch Prince of Orange-Nassau, King Willem III. Musicians who want to play on the New York subway must audition with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). Those who pass are allowed to play their music for two weeks. Their audience is huge: about 173,000 passengers pass through Times Square station every day. Below the Frick Collection museum is an old bowling alley that was built in the 19th century at the request of Henry Clay Frick. The course still looks as it did then and is open to the public. Five sections of the Berlin Wall are on display in New York: two pieces in Paley Park, one in Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, in the World Financial Center and in the gardens of the United Nations Headquarters. The famous Steinway grand pianos are made in New York. The Steinway Piano Factory in Queens can be visited. The Metropolitan Museum of Art holds more than two million works of art, making it one of the largest museums in the world. The collection of Asian art is special, one of the most extensive outside Asia. It was once proposed to call New York Brimaquonx, a combination of the names of the five boroughs: Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, Queens and Bronx. The rivers and streams in Central Park are all man-made and can be turned on and off. Between 45th and 46th Streets and Broadway, walkers hear a deep and menacing sound coming from the subway. That is not a generator that makes noise, but a work of art by sound artist Max Neuhaus. It was built in 1977. Not only London, but also New York has a ‘whispering gallery’. In Grand Central Station is a whispering gallery where people standing in opposite corners can hear each other in a whisper. The unique taste of New York pizza is said to be associated with the city’s tap water. (MS)

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