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Manhattan parish opens immigrant assistance center

Hundreds of immigrant families recently arrived in New York find in the Parish of San Francisco de Asís a safe place, full of human warmth.

Father Julian Jagudilla travels from place to place, making sure that every person who arrives comes out with a bag of food, a coat or a pair of shoes; what you need to protect yourself from the autumn cold and the approach of winter.

The father understands the need of those who have come to seek asylum.

“Despair cannot be described, people come with many needs, with only the clothes they wear or in a plastic bag. We are here to help them,” explained Father Jagudilla, director of the San Francisco Parish Immigration Center. de Asís. .

Since August, several refugees have started knocking on the church door for help, so the parish has decided to open a support center three times a week.

There, immigrants are also the ones who help newcomers process their documents and also guide them with services such as legal assistance, medical assistance, psychosocial assistance and how to enroll children in school.

“There is no way to describe the joy and gratitude seen on the faces of adults and especially children. Here they have found a safe and welcoming space,” added the father.

“We are all immigrants in this country. At some point, our parents, grandparents or great-grandparents embarked on the journey and many of them faced great difficulties when they arrived. These people have unique stories of walking hundreds of miles, many with children and going through dangerous situations to get to the border and then here, “said Thomas Gallagher, pastor of the parish of San Francisco de Asís.

The center serves the immigrant population on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon.

If anyone is interested in receiving support or cooperation, they can call (212) 736-8500 or contact the parish at 135 W 31 St, between 6th and 7th Avenues, Manhattan.

Volunteers and donations of briefcases, clothes, coats and toiletries are required.

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