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Manfredonia, Tina Guerra: entering Medicine with 2 small children

Manfredonia, 18/06/2021- (snapitaly) A dream cultivated since childhood, that of Tina to become a doctor. In her head, everything was planned: after high school, she would start medicine and become a surgeon. But life is surprising and the map, very often, has to be redrawn step by step. TO Tina war, 41 years old originally from Manfredonia, however, there was never a lack of perseverance and tenacity that allowed her to enter the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

Tina after the high school diploma, goes to Chieti to take the Medicine test, which however does not pass. He is not discouraged and in order not to lose the year he decides to enroll in the Faculty of Biology in Ancona, with the intention of retrying the test the following year. But what was supposed to be just a year of transition becomes a passion over time. L’love for science subjects on the one hand, and the knowledge of Francesco, who would become her husband, on the other lead Tina to continue and complete her studies in Biology. The satisfaction of having graduated in 5 years in Biology, the employment as a biologist first in Manfredonia and then in Modena do not fully satisfy Tina who moves with Francesco back to Ancona where, however, not finding a job like biologist, begins to do the secretariat for a large company. (snapitaly)

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