Home » today » World » Manfred Weber: “The EPP remains the great power of the Center Right” – 2024-04-11 04:11:30

Manfred Weber: “The EPP remains the great power of the Center Right” – 2024-04-11 04:11:30

The line of the Center for a European Union with security, prosperity and social cohesion is propagated by the president of the European People’s Party Manfred Weber in the pre-election campaign of the European elections, for the needs of which he was in Athens for the conference of New Democracy. At the same time, he defends Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and characterizes the small-party instrumentalization of the rule of law against Greece as “wretchedness”.

Mr. Weber, the elections to elect a new European Parliament will take place in about two months. What importance do you attach to these European elections for the future of the EU?

“These European elections chart the course of the European Union. The world has become harsher, there is war in our neighborhood, global relationships are changing. Europe must stay united. It will be decided whether the EU will maintain a steady course in the political center or whether radical forces from the left and right will block necessary and important decisions. ND and EPP are fighting for a Europe with security, prosperity and cohesion. We follow modern politics coming from the center of society”.

In the last five years, the EU has faced great challenges, a pandemic, Russia’s war against Ukraine, but with Germany and France not easily finding a common denominator. How satisfied are you with her current image?

“The EU has had difficult years and great challenges behind it. The President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the heads of governments of the EPP, such as Kyriakos Mitsotakis, wisely led Europe despite huge crises, such as the pandemic, migration flows or Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. That is why Greece, for example, is experiencing an economic boom.

France and Germany must show courage, ambition and leadership today. Unfortunately, the liberal President Macron and the Social Democrat Chancellor Solz cannot do this because they have both lost the trust of their citizens. That is why it is so important that the ND and the EPP follow a reliable and effective policy.”

However, the main trend before the European elections is the strengthening of the opponents of the EU, the political forces that promote its dissolution. How big do you see the risk of a strengthened Far Right blocking EU institutions such as the European Parliament?

“The left parties want a Europe of regulations and prohibitions, e.g. in climate protection. Far-right parties want to destroy Europe, they are friendly towards Putin and other enemies of democracy. We as ND and EPP want to keep Europe on a steady course.

Only together can Europe meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s world, guarantee freedom, the rule of law and solidarity. If we become the strongest force in the European Parliament again and appoint a president of the Commission, we will ensure the functioning of the EU. Otherwise there is a risk of deadlock, chaos and the retreat of the EU.”

Your Social Democrats and Greens criticize that the EPP has also shifted to the right due to pressure from the Far Right.

“This is incorrect. The EPP is and remains the great political force of the Center and the democratic Right. We are a conservative, liberal, social party. That hasn’t changed. The fact is that Social Democrats and Greens are increasingly making choices at the expense of citizens, making it possible to strengthen the Far Right. In times of crisis, we remain steadfastly the trusted Center and will keep Europe on course. This is our pre-election campaign in these European elections.”

You head the Christian Social Union (CSU) list. Five years ago you were the head of the EPP, but Macron and Sanchez did not allow you to be elected president of the Commission. How deep is your frustration?

“European democracy suffered a lot because, for example, President Macron or Hungarian Prime Minister Orban did not accept the result of the European elections. But this matter is closed for me. I have a mission as president of the largest party and Parliamentary Group in Europe, the European People’s Party. I support the re-election of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the ND in Greece for a very good election result. We will implement our promises and our program.”

The European Parliament recently criticized Greece harshly for the rule of law and threatened to cut EU funding. What advice do you give your friend, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis?

“First of all: Kyriakos Mitsotakis is doing an excellent job as prime minister together with the New Democracy government. Greece today is a modern, ambitious and economically successful country – this is his achievement. We are the party of the rule of law, Donald Tusk proved this in Poland. It is not allowed to abuse the rule of law for petty partisan reasons. Unfortunately, the Left is instrumentalizing it. This is wretchedness. The specific issues on the table are matters for the courts, not for the European Parliament.

The European Commission, as guardian of the Treaties, made it clear in its latest report that Greece is on the right track. The Greek government implemented reforms to ensure the rule of law and media freedom. The Social Democrats want to distract attention from their own problems with the rule of law, for example in Spain with separatist amnesties and in Malta with the murder of a journalist.”

What will be the central bet for the EU in the next five years?

“The EU has rightly paid a lot of attention to climate and environmental protection in recent years. This was and is important in dealing with climate change, species extinction and environmental destruction. However, it is clear that Europe needs to catch up economically with other major economic blocs such as the US, China and Southeast Asia. That’s why we focus on more innovation, competitiveness and jobs.

We also want to ensure security in Europe and for Europe. Europe needs to deal more with its defense, which Greece has always done. These are our main priorities.”

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