Confirmation of the 110% Superbonus also on single-family homes for the whole of 2022, for owners with Isee up to 25 thousand euros. There is also room for a tightening of preventive checks to obtain the Citizenship Income and a cut in the allowance for those who refuse two job offers. These are some of the points that emerged during the control room on the maneuver at Palazzo Chigi. The “decalage” of the check should be progressive, from the second rejection onwards, but the percentages of the cut would not have been indicated.
Proposed share 102 only for 2022
Quote 102 for only one year, 2022. It is the proposal that the government would have made on one of the most controversial dossiers of the eve. In addition to the one-year transitional quota, a fund is set up to ferry workers penalized by the new requirements. The woman option would also be extended to 2022 and Ape social extended to new categories of heavy duty.
Facade bonus reduced to 60%
The meeting, which lasted about three hours at Palazzo Chigi, started with an examination of the investment chapters and then moved on to the rest of the areas affected by the interventions. As for the face bonus, it should be renewed for the whole of 2022 but with a percentage of 60%.
Towards the stop to cashback
For cashback, on the other hand, we go towards the definitive stop according to the first indications. The measure, which started last January and then suspended in the second half of this year, would in fact be canceled. It was initially also planned for the first half of 2022 and still had 1.5 billion available.
Budget law tomorrow in the CDM
Overall, the budget law that will arrive on Thursday 28 on the table of the Council of Ministers confirms the balances indicated in the Dpb. In addition to the Minister of Economy Daniele Franco and the Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Roberto Garofoli, the heads of delegation of the majority Giancarlo Giorgetti, Andrea Orlando, Roberto Speranza, Stefano Patuanelli, Mariastella Gelmini and Renato Brunetta, Elena Bonetti and economic managers were present of each party.