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Mandy Moore’s Son Diagnosed with Gianotti Crosti Syndrome: What You Need to Know

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Actress Mandy Moore’s son finally woke up with a frightening rash covering his body, according to what the mother wrote on her Instagram account.

It took several visits to the urgent care department, a pediatrician, a dermatologist, and a pediatric dermatologist to find out the cause of the itching.

The symptoms on his arms, legs and feet were found to be due to Gianotti Crosti syndrome.

Moore wrote on Instagram on July 28, “Raising children is strange, difficult, and you feel so helpless sometimes,” but added, “As long as he smiles … we are fine.”

According to dermatologist and assistant professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, Dr. Melissa Levowska, this skin disease is a rare condition, and it is normal for doctors to find it difficult to identify.

Here’s what you need to know about this disease.

What is Gianotti Crosti Syndrome?

Dr. Shari Lipner, associate professor of clinical dermatology at Weill Cornell Graduate College of Medical Sciences in New York City, explained that the syndrome is a benign rash that usually appears on the face, buttocks, arms, and legs, and does not include the scalp or chest. Or, most of the time, back.

She added that the rash is characterized by the appearance of hard pink bumps that may itch in the patient often.

These bumps are usually flat on top, Levowska said.

The condition most often appears in children under the age of 4, but it is not a common disease.

What causes this rash?

Experts said they don’t know why some children develop Gianotti Crosti syndrome and others don’t.

But it’s believed to be a highly allergic response to an underlying infection, according to the National Institutes of Health.

The Epstein-Barr virus is usually the underlying infection for this condition in the United States, and it’s linked to infectious mononucleosis, according to Levowska.

However, she added that the hepatitis B virus is the most common cause worldwide.

How is this condition treated?

Levowsca said that Gianotti-Crosti syndrome resolves over time on its own, which can take anywhere from two weeks to two months.

If the rash does not clear up, dermatologists may recommend topical steroids.

Moisturizers, over-the-counter hydrocortisone, and antihistamines may also be helpful.

2023-08-02 08:28:22

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