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mandatory, where to get them for free? The list by region

GENERAL PUBLIC CORONAVIRUS MASK – Soon highly recommended, the general public masks will be distributed from May 4 by the State but also by many local authorities: regions, departments or town halls. What about near you? We take stock.

It was eagerly awaited. In his speech presenting the plan deconfinement, Edouard Philippe explained to the National Assembly on Tuesday April 28 that masks for the general public would be provided with a view to May 11, the date of deconfinement. “The customs data show it: there are many more masks in the country than the Government orders. And believe me, we order them, since we receive nearly 100 million surgical masks per week now, and that we will receive close to 20 million washable consumer masks starting in May. ” Schools will in particular be equipped with it. The Prime Minister encouraged companies to equip their employees and individuals to make masks.

Above all, he explained that local authorities were encouraged to order masks. The government will support this supply “by covering 50% of the cost of the masks within the limit of a reference price”, he stressed. What do we know today about so-called “general public” masks which should equip the vast majority of French people, how to wear them, where to find them? We take stock of all these questions and provide you with regional information on the supply of masks by local authorities. This information will be updated and enriched regularly as orders from town halls, departments or regions.

The masks will be compulsory for secondary school students brought to resume classes on May 11th. This is one of the announcements by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on April 28 during the presentation of the deconfinement plan, specifying that the State will provide “masks to college students who can wear them and who have not succeeded in getting get some. ” But that’s not all ! A trader may also make access to his business subject to the wearing of a mask. Finally, wearing a mask will be compulsory in transport, buses and metros, including respecting barrier gestures and social distancing.

Emmanuel Macron had not previously specified in his speech on April 13 whether the delivery of these masks will require the French to wear them compulsorily. Let us recall what the Head of State said on this question, which has become sensitive to masks. “In connection with the mayors, the State will have to allow each French to get a mask for the general public” on May 11. The President of the Republic had however given some details: “For the most exposed professions and for certain situations such as in public transport, its use could become systematic”, he underlined. This will therefore be the case in transport.

Communities which have announced that they have ordered masks for their citizens (town halls, metropolises, departments or regions) should distribute at least one copy each for free. For those commissioned by the state, the question did not seem to be completely settled lately. No clear answer therefore, but it seems difficult to believe that the State can make the French pay for the supply of these masks for the general public. Asked on RTL on April 14, Olivier Véran did not confirm but “imagine that they will be given to the population”. These masks will be distributed by the State from May 4, as announced on April 24 by the Secretary of State for the Economy, Agnès Pannier-Runacher in an interview with Les Echos. The distribution method (withdrawals at relay points, pharmacies, etc.?) Still needs to be refined. Points of sale should then be created to buy additional masks (especially in tobacconists and pharmacies).

The mayor of Paris had announced on April 7 the next distribution of masks to Parisians, Anne Hidalgo having promised “two million masks in fabric in the coming days”. Anne Hidalgo also announced that the fabric masks soon to be distributed will be reusable and made in Paris. “As many doctors have said for a long time, everyone must be able to have protection: any type of scarf or mask is better than nothing,” she continued. “We have to learn (…) to live sustainably with these protections,” she also told France Info. Where will they be distributed? The mayor of Paris said in an interview with the JDD on Sunday April 18 that she would supply 500,000 of these masks as a priority to fragile people, ie “the over 70s, people with chronic illness and pregnant women”. The masks should be distributed free of charge in pharmacies to Parisians in mid-May, she also said.

These masks will therefore be:

  • in fabric, reusable and machine washable at 60 degrees according to Afnor standards.
  • delivered soon. 2 million masks are ordered.
  • to standards and following the Afnor’s manufacturing patterns.

In Ile de France, several cities and departments have also announced that they have ordered masks. This is the case in Seine et Marne. The department promises to soon supply two masks per inhabitant for a total of 3 million masks ordered. “The distribution of these masks to the population will begin shortly before May 11, in collaboration with the Union of Mayors of Seine-et-Marne which will make the link with all the municipalities of the territory,” specifies the newspaper La République de Seine et Marne. The Val de Marne department will distribute 1.5 million masks. Each week, 150,000 masks, made in France, will be delivered from April 27 to residents. The Seine-Saint-Denis department has already ordered 200,000 cloth masks for residents. It is up to the town halls to finance and recover them. In the Val d’Oise, the mayors of the 13 municipalities of the Cergy-Pontoise agglomeration have announced the distribution of 215,000 cloth masks to residents.

In Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, the region chaired by Laurent Wauquiez (LR) announced on April 7 the order of 9 million masks for the general public for an amount of 30 million euros. “This sum makes it possible to finance 100% of the 9 million masks which will make it possible to serve all the town halls of the territory, whatever their resources, and thus to make them available to all the inhabitants”, specifies the region on his website. Distribution should therefore be the responsibility of the town halls. Note that in Lyon, the town hall also plans to provide 2 million masks which should be available in May.

Some cities in Burgundy have launched mask or order manufacturing operations. This is the case in Beaune (Côte d’Or) where 24,000 masks must be distributed at the end of confinement. In Digoin in Saône et Loire, 4,500 cloth masks will be distributed to the 8,000 inhabitants, note France Blue. In Nièvre, the departmental council launched an online platform called “Nièvre solidarity solutions”, explains The Journal of the Center. “Its first objective is to allow the making of fabric masks for the inhabitants, by providing the raw material to goodwill who know how to sew.” The city of Nevers will soon receive masks from China. In Franche-Comté, note the distribution of masks coming to Besançon for the inhabitants of Grand Besançon. The town hall promises that each inhabitant will have 2 cloth masks. Distribution will probably be organized by the mayors by district, note France 3 Regions on an as yet unknown date. A proof of address and an identity card will be required.

The president of the department of Ille et Vilaine Jean-Claude Chenut announces the order of two million surgical masks for the agents of the services of the department and communities. Regarding masks for the general public, in Rennes, the city has announced the production of 500,000 masks, including 250,000 intended for Rennes residents. The rest will be for the municipalities of the metropolis who wish as well as for the Brittany region. These masks distributed in Rennes will be made of fabric, reusable, free and available in two sizes: adult and child from 3 years. They will be gradually distributed to the population, specifies the Rennes town hall.

In Dinard, 11,000 masks were ordered by the town hall “The distribution will be in order of priority, starting with the people in contact with the public on a daily basis. We will study this distribution by tax households”, explained the mayor Claude Mahé to France 3 Regions. In Saint-Malo, 100,000 masks have been ordered. “The goal is that each of the 82,000 main inhabitants of the City have a mask available, just like the workers on the territory,” judges Mayor Claude Renoult.

In Brest, the town hall is also working on several mask orders for the agglomeration at first, explains mayor François Cuillandre at West France. Goal ? “Have the masks distributed by the services of the City of Brest and of Brest metropolis, by multiplying the places of dissemination of the masks and ensuring good information for all residents on access to these masks”. In Vannes, 60,000 masks have been ordered and are to be distributed soon. “These are certified masks. Vannes has 55,000 inhabitants, so we will have one mask per inhabitant,” said Mayor David Robo. to the Telegram. In Quimper and Saint-Brieuc, orders were also to be confirmed in the coming days.

Local communities have also mobilized in the Center region. The Loiret department plans to send a mask to each resident by the end of May. Same ambition in Orléans where the metropolis launched a call for volunteers for the manufacture of fabric masks. In the Loir-et-Cher department, residents of Blois have already received masks from the city, notes France 3 Regions and production is continuing. In Tours, 400,000 masks have been ordered by the city, which intends to distribute them to residents. In Indre, the department has launched an order for 189,000 masks while the city of Châteauroux will acquire 45,000 masks for residents.

In the Great East, a region strongly affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, the supply of masks for the general public is also accelerating. The Haut-Rhin department therefore offered to the inter-municipal departments of the department to order a mask for each inhabitant. An order for 770,000 masks, which will be produced locally, has been placed. They will be distributed free of charge, the cost being borne at equal charge by the departmental council and the municipalities. In the Bas-Rhin, the department’s objective is to provide two masks per inhabitant by the end of May at the latest, announced the president of the department Frédéric Bierry, who says he wants to provide at least one mask per inhabitant by May 11. Three million masks will be ordered, the department taking care of half, the second mask being funded by the municipalities or the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg. These are also the municipalities that should be responsible for distribution.

In Meurthe et Moselle, 500,000 masks have already been ordered by municipalities (the complete list of orders on Actu.fr). The metropolis of Nancy and its 20 municipalities will also distribute masks which could be distributed by La Poste or to be collected from schools. In Moselle, the association of mayors of France (AMF) has ordered 350 participating municipalities and a total of 650,000 masks. The municipalities of Arc Moselle are particularly concerned. In Thionville, the town hall promises “a mask per inhabitant” distributed soon. Same device for the urban community of Thionville. In Metz, 210,000 reusable cloth masks must be distributed by May 11 to supply the inhabitants of the 44 municipalities of the metropolis of Metz. In the agglomeration of Forbach, an order was placed for 120,000 washable cloth masks which will be distributed free of charge by the municipalities of the agglomeration which participate in the operation, reports Radio Mélodie.

The Ardennes department also announced the order for 288,000 cloth masks for residents while in Reims, in Champagne, an order for 300,000 masks was also placed for supplies to residents in May. Finally in Troyes, 150,000 alternative masks will be distributed to residents and those of the agglomeration, announced mayor François Baroin.

The Hauts de France region announced on April 16 that it will supply a mask per inhabitant, via an order for 6 million cloth masks. The region has not indicated a delivery date but wants to equip its residents by May 11, the end of containment. These will be fabric masks, approved and washable ten times.

In major cities, the Lille town hall has also committed to supplying masks to Lillois, Hellemmois and Lommois via local production of fabric masks. These masks could be washable up to 20 times. In Dunkirk, an appeal was launched for the production of 200,000 masks for residents. In Roubaix, 120,000 masks were also ordered by the town hall.

Several local authorities have announced orders for masks in Normandy. Let us quote for example the department of Eure which promises 800,000 approved masks. “We have ordered more masks than residents as a precaution and to be able to respond to emergencies or unforeseeable needs,” said Department President Pascal Lehongre at Actu.fr. The Manche department also ordered 500,000 washable and reusable masks. The communities of communes will be responsible for distribution.

In major cities, let us mention Rouen Métropole, which communicated on an order for 500,000 masks, washable 10 times, delivered by May 22. The 71 municipalities of the metropolis will be responsible for distribution. 140,000 masks will also be distributed in Caen. “The distribution will be by district, from May 18. Perhaps before, but we depend on companies,” said one in the mayor’s office, interviewed by Actu.fr. In Le Havre, an order for 240,000 reusable masks was finally placed. In Calvados, the city of Deauville has started distributing a mask per inhabitant, to be removed on presentation of proof of address. In Bayeux and Lisieux, orders were also placed.

The metropolis of Bordeaux announced at the end of April that it had ordered 800,000 cloth masks for the inhabitants. This Thursday, April 23, the mayor of Bordeaux Nicolas Florian said that these masks would be sent directly to residents by post by mid-May. These will be fabric models, washable at 60 ° and reusable, conforming to basic Afnor protection standards.

Other communities have also ordered masks:

  • The community of Arcachon-Sud, COBAS, claims to have launched the local production of 100,000 reusable masks to Afnor standards. They will be issued free of charge. “Upon receipt of the masks, the distribution methods will be communicated to the inhabitants of the four municipalities.” The community of Bassin d’Arcachon Nord (COBAN) should follow.
  • In Poitiers, 100,000 masks for the general public in cloth, washable and reusable were also ordered, announced Alain Claeys, the mayor of Poitiers. The distribution terms must be announced later.

In Occitania, the Toulouse agglomeration has announced an agreement between the 37 municipalities of the agglomeration for the order and delivery of masks for the general public. 800,000 masks have been ordered. The distribution will be ensured by each town hall, specified the agglomeration. In Montpellier, mayor Philippe Saurel announced the order of a million masks. “The French State is responsible for public health. It is therefore responsible for the allocation of protective masks for each citizen. In the meantime and for our territory, I place an order for 1 million alternative masks”, he said. he tweeted on April 11. The distribution methods should soon be specified.

At the regional level, the president PS Carole Delga announced the order of 6 million masks approved washable in fabric. This order is made in collaboration with the departments of the region it was specified and is added to the 10 million surgical masks ordered for nursing staff, nursing homes and those of home help services.

In Paca, many communities have also announced that they have ordered masks for the general public. This is the case in Antibes, Cannes where distribution to residents begins but also in Nice where Christian Estrosi had announced an order on April 6 to provide residents “a washable and reusable mask for a month, which respects all sanitary measures” . According to Nice-Matin, it will also be a fabric mask produced by a French supplier and which will be given directly to the people of Nice.

In Marseille, Jean-Claude Gaudin also gave figures. “I have instructed the municipal services to make every effort to manufacture and buy at least one million washable and reusable” general public “masks that the city will distribute from May 11,” said the mayor of Marseille in a video posted on April 17.

In the Pays de la Loire, the region, through the voice of its president Christelle Morance, announced to want “equip the 169 00 students of public and private high schools in the Region with a mask so that they can return to school in good sanitary conditions. “The Loire-Atlantique prefecture and the association of mayors of Loire-Atlantique have launched a group order of 700 masks for 16 participating intermunicipal associations: Community of the Nazairian Region and the Estuary (Carene), Community of agglomeration of the Presqu’île de Guérande Atlantique (Cap Atlantique), Community of communes of the country of Pont-Château – Saint-Gildas-des-Bois, Community of communes of Erdre and Gesvres, Community of communes of the Region of Blain , Community of communes Estuaire and Sillon, Pornic Agglo Pays de Retz, Community of communes of Sud Estuaire, Community of communes Sud Retz Atlantique, Community of communes of Grand Lieu, Redon Agglomeration, Community of communes Châteaubriant-Derval, Community of communes of Nozay , Community of municipalities of Pays d’Ancenis (Compa), Clisson Sèvre and Maine Agglo, Community of municipalities Sèvre and Loire.

Also at the departmental level, Mayenne has notably ordered 300,000 masks which are intended to be distributed to the entire population by Friday, May 8, said the department. In Sarthe, in Le Mans, cloth masks will be distributed to the agents, but the town hall said it could not distribute them to all residents. “It is not possible for communities,” said Stéphane Le Foll. At the city level, the Nantes conurbation has ordered 600,000 masks in washable and reusable fabrics. The methods of distribution to the inhabitants must still be specified. In Angers, the city and the metropolis ordered 300,000 reusable cloth masks to equip the inhabitants of the agglomeration. Distribution should start soon for the population. Each municipality in the agglomeration is responsible for the distribution methods to the inhabitants. Note that the Angers Urban Community has also ordered 30,000 masks for children in primary schools in the agglomeration. They will be delivered directly to establishments.

In the DOM-TOM too, the distribution of masks is organized. For example, the city of Basse-Terre in Guadeloupe has started a distribution operation for residents aged 50 to 70 in the districts of Cité Bologne and Rivières des Pères. 5,000 cloth masks were donated. The 1st specifies that the municipality wishes to provide a mask per inhabitant to each Basse-Terrien. In Martinique, an operation “4000 cloth masks”, supported by the Chamber of Trades, was launched to ensure an upcoming production of the mask, explained to France West Indies President of the Chamber of Trades Henry Salomon. “We will have a sustainability of its port. Not like in China of course, but constantly all the same. Especially since we are now aware of air pollution. This is why the Chamber has set up a production sector of masks. Ditto for the over-blouses. Thus, the successful operation, we will have a new artisanal production unit, serving the public and Martinican companies. ” The department of La Réunion has also manufactured masks for its territorial agents. Prototypes to Afnor standards have been produced and the department now intends to launch larger-scale manufacturing for residents. In French Polynesia, a plane from China was also to bring a lot of masks. This lot was to be distributed to professionals carrying out missions in contact with the public, said in early April the Minister of Health of French Polynesia, Jacques Raynal.

The “barrier mask” is the official name taken by Afnor which specifies that this mask is not intended to replace the FFP2 and surgical masks of the medical teams but “to complete the barrier gestures and the rules of social distancing”. It is therefore not a medical device. Here is what Afnor explained at the end of March in the document intended for manufacturers: A barrier mask is intended for use by healthy or asymptomatic people. Its wearing must be limited to half a day and serves as a protective barrier for the “mouth and nose area” by preventing contact with the hand or projections from contact with another person. Its port can be effective for example “for a person leaving his home to go to the place of exercise of the professional activity” or to “make purchases of first necessity”. Only “limited risk protection” is claimed by Afnor. Afnor adds a user guide and recommendations to the general public to the document. The fitting of a protective mask must indeed respect certain principles to ensure its effectiveness, in particular washing your hands before putting it on and after having removed it.


To wash your mask, you must comply with strict health regulations. First of all, remember that it is imperative to wash it after each use, ie after each outing. Afnor provided a recommendation sheet. Here’s what to remember:

  • The washing of the general public fabric mask must be done in the washing machine via a cycle of minimum 30 minutes at 60 degrees. This scientifically validated process kills all bacteria.
  • First, remember to clean your washing machine, especially with bleach to keep your drum clean. You can also spin it vacuum once at 60 degrees to kill any bacteria.
  • Place your masks in the drum, best to wash them separately from the rest of your laundry. Once the laundry is done, take out your masks and put them to dry. They must be dry after two hours of drying. If this is not the case and if you do not have a dryer, you can speed up the drying with a hair dryer.

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