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Mandatory social immobilization: Know who will be able to travel on Sundays in Lima

Following the announcement by President Martín Vizcarra of the return of the compulsory social immobilization the days Sundays in Lima, he Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defence disclosed the measures for strict compliance with the provisions in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

The Police will retain the property card and driver’s license and will impose a a lot of S / 6450 to people who travel with their vehicle during the mandatory social immobilization hours (10 pm to 4 am) and on Sundays (from 10 pm on Saturday to 4 am on Monday).

Fines will also be imposed for failing to comply with the sanitary measures established by the Government, through the D.S. 006-2020-IN, which approves the Regulation of the D.L. 1458.

1. People and vehicles that may transit on Sundays:

to. Food and medicine supply services

b. Essential public services of water, sanitation, electricity, gas, hydrocarbons, cleaning and solid waste collection

c. Telecommunications services

d. Funeral services

and. Transportation of cargo, merchandise and related activities, as stipulated by the MTC

F. Private vehicles of medical personnel, nurses, firefighters and of the Armed Forces and National Police that participate in the operations

g. Serenade and control staff of local governments

h. Media personnel and vehicles

i. Official health transport vehicles

j. Private vehicles of the Legislative Power, Public Ministry and INPE

k. Security company personnel

l. Personal and service of pharmacies and restaurants authorized to deliver

2. Obligation of companies and entities

to. Grant their staff a credential that identifies them as a worker of said organization and / or company

b. Generate the labor and / or vehicle pass of the people and vehicles indicated in point 1 on the page www.gob.pe/paselaboral

3. About family and social gatherings

to. Social and family gatherings (with people who do not live at the same address) are prohibited to avoid the concentration of people and prevent the spread of the virus

b. The Police is empowered to intervene in homes and / or premises where the provisions are breached and offenders will be criminally denounced, in accordance with current regulations

4. Over capacity in public places

to. The FF. AA. and PNP They will control social distancing and capacity in markets, banks and public transport stops, as well as compliance with health protocols.

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