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Mandatory closure of hairdressing salons was the right choice, but must again be held up to light

The hairdressing salons are still required to be closed by the government. Most hairdressers were happy with this in the beginning, after all, health is the most important thing. The compensation scheme would be ‘generous’, but few owners of hairdressing salons agree with this because the plus balance on the existing account is shrinking rapidly every week and many are busy using the savings or trying to get a loan, which is far from is as simple as indicated by our prime minister. In short, the pressure is increasing.

The government kept the hairdresser calm and relied on his sense of humanity: “To drive out the virus together by sticking to the rules.” Most salons adhere strictly to this, although there are some who violate the law and continue to help customers through the back door or at their home. In the meantime, raking in TOZO, TOGS and NOW and filling the deep pockets with black money is unfortunately no longer an exception. In the beginning everyone spoke of shame, but this group is getting more and more connected because the water is on the lips of most entrepreneurs due to this forced hairdressing salon closure and the poor compensation schemes. Illegal clipping professionals who treat their competitors in addition to their own patronage. This blurring of standards does not achieve what the cabinet aims for, because the control at a distance of one and a half meters disappears and the danger of the virus spreading again because there is no longer any control over the preventive measures, which have already been taken by the hairdressing salons wait for the gun to open again.

Customers all understood the situation and wished the entrepreneurs strength, but many then called employees personally to ask if they came to their home to cut. As if suddenly it was no longer about virus spread and health. The salaried hairdresser who secretly cuts hair is not a member of this family and can become infected and infect others, which ultimately comes back to the entrepreneur. Checking this is also a difficult matter, but the same consequences also apply here.

There are many advantages on the dark sides, but the disadvantages are for the neatly waiting entrepreneur.

In addition, amateur hairdressers are also rapidly emerging. Hairdressers who wanted to provide service by providing their clients with home paint sets thought family members would use it, but in many cases it’s a neighbor or an acquaintance who used to be a hairdresser who comes to apply it. The whole principle of one and a half meters for everyone except for family members living in one house has gradually disappeared.

Hilarious videos of Jan and everyone cutting their friends appear on Youtube. So no family members. BN-er Gordon shows in a video how he is cut by his brother himself. Nice to see, but his brother lives elsewhere and as such is not a family member. So his own hairdresser could have just cut it. Less laughable, but with a better result and moreover, this hairdresser probably had worn a face mask.

The compulsory closure of hairdressing salons was the right choice, but must now be re-examined. Unfortunately, the first ANKO lobby to get the hairdresser back to work with the right protocols and measures did not succeed. Perhaps the next men will bring this story forward in the next attempt.

Hairdressing salons must open again before May 20, because:

– The law-breaking hairdressers are rewarded with NOW, TOGS and TOZO.

– Law-breaking hairdressers “steal” customers from waiting salons.

– The black money circuit is growing.

– Many hairdressing salons will fall so that employment is not helped with the NOW, which will then turn into unemployment benefit and the entrepreneur into social assistance.

– Confidence in the government of the hairdresser and entrepreneur through a promised good arrangement will disappear forever.

– Unnecessary traffic from non-family members who cut at home.

– No preventive measures taken with illegal home cutters.

– Greater chance of infection and spread of the coronavirus.

Also read: Government compensation for turnover and labor costs for hairdressers is completely insufficient

Also read: Hairdressers warn: do not cut at home

Also read: VVD and CDA hope that hairdressers can open earlier

Also read: Nearly 65,000 entrepreneurs have submitted NOW applications

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