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Mandatory Bio-Waste Sorting: Solutions Offered by Municipalities and How to Get a Free Composter

Sorting bio-waste has been compulsory since January 1, and municipalities are starting to get the hang of it. Some even distribute individual composters to their residents. Is yours one of the lot?

Since January 1, 2024, sorting of bio-waste has become mandatory in France, under the law relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy (AGEC law) and the European directive on waste. Concretely, we must therefore separate “organic” waste from the rest of our trash cans? But where to put them? Collective composters or specific collection, and even distribution of free composters: each municipality must offer these residents sorting solutions to comply with this new obligation.

Mandatory sorting of bio-waste: what solutions are offered by municipalities?

However, it seems that few are really ready for this change. According to ADEME, less than one in three French people (around 20 million) should be served by a sorting solution at the source of bio-waste at the start of the year. However, the public service website is clear: “This obligation must take effect on January 1, 2024. It will result in the implementation, at the community level, of solutions for local management and/or separate collection of bio-waste for individuals. A green fund put in place by the State is intended to support the implementation of sorting solutions by communities”. From solutions proposed or envisaged by the municipalitieswe find :

  • The establishment of collective composters or neighborhood composting areas
  • The pickup door-to-door biowaste
  • The free distribution of individual composters

Mandatory sorting of bio-waste: here’s how to collect a free composter from the town hall

It is up to your community to inform you in time of the arrangements for implementing this new collection, service-public.fr further specifies. But in reality, few French people currently know the procedure to follow in their city, lack of communication or preparation.

However, it is possible in a large number of urban areas to recover, by fulfilling certain conditions (owning a garden, for example), a free individual composter ! To find out if this is the case for you, contact your local dealer as soon as possible. city ​​hall or even the local waste management body.

Discover, in our slideshow, some municipalities in France where you can claim a free individual composter.

Where to place your composter?

Once you have collected your composter for free, all you have to do is install it properly to use it better! Ideally, place it in a shaded area of ​​the garden, because direct exposure to the sun risks causing the compost to dry out excessively. The location must also be good airy, to promote the decomposition of organic waste. Opt for a floor plat et drained to avoid any problems related to water accumulation. Finally, and this is the subtlety of the placement of this tool, it is necessary both keep it away from areas of activity or trafficto limit the diffusion of odors, while positioning the composter not far from the kitchen and/or vegetable gardento facilitate the deposition of organic matter.

2024-01-03 10:36:26
#list #cities #distributing #free #composters #January

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