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Manchin Opposes Biden’s Labor Department Pick Julie Su, Creating Doubt over Confirmation

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has announced that he will oppose Julie Su, President Biden’s pick to head the Department of Labor. Manchin’s opposition raises doubts about Su’s confirmation, as Democrats hold a slim majority in the Senate.

In a statement, Manchin expressed concerns about Su’s progressive background, stating that he believes it may prevent her from effectively serving as Secretary of Labor. Despite acknowledging Su’s impressive credentials and qualifications, Manchin made it clear that he cannot support her nomination.

President Biden had nominated Su to serve as Secretary of Labor in February, praising her dedication to ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for all. However, her nomination has faced significant obstacles in the Senate, with speculation that at least two Democratic senators are opposed to her confirmation.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a hearing on Su in April, but her nomination has since stalled. While Su could still be confirmed if no other Democrat defects, senators speculate that Manchin is not the only Democrat who does not want to vote for her.

During her tenure as labor secretary for the state of California, Su played a role in implementing a law that required independent contractors to classify as W-2 employees. This has raised concerns among small business advocates, who worry about her support for state-level legislation that empowers government officials to set rules for wages and working conditions at independently owned franchise restaurants.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has expressed his determination to secure enough votes to confirm Su, describing her as a “very good nominee” who would make a great Labor secretary. However, with Manchin’s opposition and potential opposition from other Democrats, Su’s confirmation remains uncertain.

In order to break a potential 50-50 deadlock on the Senate floor, Vice President Kamala Harris could cast the deciding vote. However, it is unclear if Su will even reach that point given the current opposition.

The fate of Julie Su’s nomination as Secretary of Labor hangs in the balance as Senate Democrats continue to navigate the challenges of confirming President Biden’s nominees.
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What concerns does Senator Joe Manchin have about Julie Su’s nomination for Secretary of Labor?

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has thrown a wrench into President Biden’s plan to have Julie Su head the Department of Labor. In a bold move, Manchin has announced his opposition to Su’s nomination, casting doubt on her confirmation in the Senate.

Manchin cited Su’s progressive background as the reason behind his decision. Despite acknowledging her impressive credentials, he expressed concerns that her ideology may hinder her ability to effectively serve as Secretary of Labor. With Democrats holding a slim majority in the Senate, Manchin’s opposition puts Su’s confirmation in jeopardy.

President Biden had nominated Su in February, praising her commitment to fairness and equal opportunities. However, her path to confirmation has been rocky. Speculation has swirled that at least two Democratic senators are also opposed to her nomination, further complicating the process.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a hearing on Su in April, but her nomination has since stalled. While there is still a chance for Su to be confirmed if no other Democrat defects, senators believe that Manchin is not the only one with reservations about her.

One of the concerns surrounding Su stems from her time as labor secretary for California, where she played a role in implementing a law that required independent contractors to be classified as W-2 employees. Small business advocates worry that her support for such legislation gives too much power to government officials to dictate wages and working conditions for independently owned franchise restaurants.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer remains determined to secure enough votes to confirm Su, describing her as a “very good nominee.” However, with opposition from Manchin and potentially other Democrats, Su’s confirmation is anything but certain.

In the event of a 50-50 deadlock on the Senate floor, Vice President Kamala Harris could cast the deciding vote. However, it is unclear if Su will even make it that far, given the current opposition.

The fate of Julie Su’s nomination hangs in the balance as Senate Democrats navigate the challenges of confirming President Biden’s nominees.

2 thoughts on “Manchin Opposes Biden’s Labor Department Pick Julie Su, Creating Doubt over Confirmation”

  1. Manchin’s opposition to Julie Su as Biden’s Labor Department pick raises concern about the confirmation process. The decision creates doubt regarding the effectiveness of the chosen candidate and the overall direction of the labor department under the new administration.

  2. It’s disheartening to see Senator Manchin opposing Julie Su, Biden’s pick for the Labor Department. This decision raises doubts about the confirmation process and casts a shadow over the potential progress we could achieve with Su’s leadership.


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