In the series “My money, your money” People tell us what role money plays in their relationship. And how they manage their shared finances. Today: Sina, 27.
When my husband and I met, I was still a student. Dorian was already working. I moved in with him after almost six months, but I told him clearly: I can’t contribute anything to the rent. In addition to my studies, I only earned 430 euros net. That wasn’t a problem for him. At that time, he moved into his apartment knowing that he would have to pay the 750 euro rent himself. He didn’t expect me to get involved. He preferred that I lived with him so we had more time for each other. When I still lived with my parents, I spent around two hours commuting to the university every day. At this time we also usually paid for groceries out of his pocket. Only the internet contract was debited from my account. I still pay for it to this day. Everything else regarding our financial allocation changed when I started working life.
2023-12-23 20:01:45
#Money #relationship #pay #loan #apartment #doesnt #belong