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Managing Nickel Reserves and the Future of the Electric Vehicle Industry in ASEAN Countries


Two ASEAN countries, namely Indonesia and the Philippines, have the world’s largest nickel reserves, which are needed in the electric vehicle industry. Indonesia is in first position, while the Philippines is in sixth position.

However, Deputy for Investment Promotion at the Ministry of Investment/BKPM Nurul Ichwan warned that countries should be wary of maneuvers that do not save nickel but have the latest technology.

“But what must be careful is the movement of countries that do not have nickel but those who are advanced who have technology,” he said on the sidelines of the 2023 ASEAN Investment Forum at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday (2/9/2023).

“Why? Because I took the European Union as an example, it’s related to the battery policy. He will later require that within a certain time, the production of the batteries produced must have a minimum requirement for battery recycle,” he continued.

It is possible that electric vehicle batteries manufactured outside Europe will still be able to enter the region, but within a certain period of time. Europe then uses used electric vehicle batteries for recycling.

That way, even though Europe doesn’t have nickel reserves, it can still have its own electric vehicle battery. According to Nurul, this could affect Indonesia in the future.

“So when he feels that he has enough raw materials he will produce his own batteries by recycling used batteries in Europe. So we still have time until now. But when that time comes, it can be imported from precursors, ketot “Battery packs from Indonesia may be reduced because they recycle,” he explained.

Moreover, he said, the momentum of the electric vehicle industry is likely to last until 2040. After that new technologies will appear to replace them, one of which is hydrogen.

“This means that we have this momentum until 2030-2040. And when we talk there, the design possibilities are not just thinking about the battery industry, but also (manufacturing) the electric vehicles must be there,” he continued.

He also encouraged ASEAN countries to create an electric vehicle battery recycling market or even their own industry. That way ASEAN will be more independent and not dependent on other regions.

“Well, like it or not, because if we only depend on other people’s markets, we will be dictated to by them and we don’t have the independence to try to be self-sustaining with our own market,” he concluded.


2023-09-02 12:30:33
#Wary #European #Union #Maneuvers #Hamper #Electric #Car #Battery #Industry

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