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Managing Menopause: Tips for Diet, Exercise, and Support

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Even though she is in menopause, a woman can still have a quality life if she follows a diet and exercise routine according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Talking about diet, Chair of the Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association (POGI) for the West Jakarta region, Dr. Ni Komang Yeni Dhana Sari, Sp.OG reminded that there are no special restrictions, but rather limits on quantities, one of which is caffeine.

Those going through menopause usually complain of difficulty sleeping, so they need to reduce the amount of caffeine they consume and limit their drinking time to no later than 18.00.

Drinks containing caffeine such as coffee and tea can make it difficult to sleep, make the heart pound, and increase anxiety, causing discomfort, especially for women during menopause.

Apart from caffeine, you should also consume red ginger and onions in moderation because excessive consumption causes the body to feel hotter. Those who experience menopause have actually experienced it hot flashes or the face, neck and chest feel warm and produce a lot of sweat.

Next, meet your macro and micronutrient intake according to your body’s needs. The key is to eat a variety of dishes, especially if you don’t have allergies or certain diseases that prohibit you from eating something.

Make sure that at every meal, there are lots of colors on the plate, for example vegetables of various colors, then side dishes.

Specifically for carbohydrates, Yeni, who serves as Deputy Chair of the Greater Jakarta Branch of the Indonesian Menopause Association (PERMI Jaya), recommends reducing them, because at the age of menopause metabolism slows down and excessive weight gain occurs.

On the other hand, fiber intake must be high because the body already experiences difficulty defecating due to slowed intestinal metabolism.

Apart from diet, exercise also needs to be done regularly during menopause as well as before menopause. This activity is an important effort for all basic prevention of degenerative diseases.

In other words, exercise is very important at any age, including during menopause. Especially for those who have experienced menopause, they should choose ones that are low impact or do not put pressure on the joints, such as Pilates, yoga, walking.

Apart from that, don’t forget to include weight training to maintain muscle and bone integrity. Yeni reminded that the weight lifted is adjusted to each person’s abilities.

For those who are just starting to exercise during menopause, it is recommended to choose a low load first.

Be extra careful from the age of 35

Menopause is the end phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle which is usually marked by the absence of menstruation for 12 consecutive months.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this condition is caused by loss of function of the ovarian follicles and a decrease in circulating estrogen levels in the blood.

The average woman experiences menopause at the age of 48 to 52 years.

A number of symptoms that women can experience when entering menopause include brain fog, difficulty concentrating which is also a result of aging, frequent dizziness and migraines for no apparent reason, problems with the gums and mouth, reduced taste sensation, fatigue for no apparent reason even though normal laboratory results.

Then, there is an increase in body weight, digestive symptoms such as frequent difficulty defecating, tingling in the fingers, frequent urge to urinate, difficulty holding back the urge to urinate, dryness in the vaginal area and pain during intercourse.

Other symptoms are itchy skin, skin that feels very dry, osteoporosis, joint pain, especially knees, nails that are no longer healthy and shiny, sometimes allergies appear that were not experienced before, irritability, moodiness or mood swings and hair loss.

Symptoms of menopause also include excessive anxiety, even depression that the sufferer is unaware of.

These symptoms can get worse if women don’t adopt a healthy lifestyle from an early age. At least from the age of 35, women have to be extra careful with their lifestyle.

Consuming fast food, foods low in nutrition, consuming more drinks with sugar than water should be avoided.

Sugar itself is pro-inflammatory which triggers inflammation in the body, causing various diseases, especially when a person is aging.

Alcoholic drinks, staying up late, smoking also have a big influence in causing menopause symptoms to be more severe than in people who adopt a healthy lifestyle.

The importance of support

Menopause will definitely be experienced by women, even if they are not married or do not have children. Women need to accept this condition and when they experience symptoms they need to immediately consult a doctor to seek help so that the symptoms do not get worse.

Yeni, who is also an ambassador and senior member of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology (ESAG) Indonesia, reminded women not to take complaints lightly.

Especially those who experience symptoms of excessive anxiety, can fall into a state of depression if not treated immediately. In the depression stage, treatment will take longer and more needs to be done.

On the other hand, women during menopause also need support from their families, such as their husbands and children. Husbands and children must understand and tolerate when their wife or mother starts to fuss, complain a lot, when they are approaching menopause.

Quite a lot of divorces occur when women are approaching menopause, while their husbands experience andropause with the same symptoms.

The husband begins to have less sexual intercourse because he is experiencing andropause, while the wife’s sexual desire also begins to decrease. Then, suspicion arose, a commotion broke out that shouldn’t have happened. This condition will not occur if both of them understand each other’s conditions.

Author of the book “The Ripple Effect: How Better Sex Can Lead to a Better Life” Gail Saltz, MD, admits that many men feel uncomfortable talking about menopause. But, he said, try to discuss ways you can help relieve the symptoms as a team.

Ask how individuals can relieve each other’s stress and maintain the romance. A woman still wants to feel wanted and appreciated during this time. Therefore, do not avoid intimacy and accept it as long as your partner feels comfortable.

“A romantic dinner or holding hands while taking a walk can make a big difference in how he and you view each other as a couple,” says Saltz.

2023-10-18 13:58:38
#Maintaining #quality #life #menopause #ANTARA #News #Bengkulu

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