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Managing and Coping with Low Blood Pressure: Symptoms, Treatment, and Lifestyle Changes

KOMPAS.comLow blood pressure can be a serious health problem if not handled properly.

Low blood pressure or hypotension usually characterized by blood pressure numbers below normal limits or less than 90/60mmHg.

This one disease does not always cause symptoms, but in cases that are not managed properly, the symptoms can disrupt routines and cause a number of disturbances such as:

Lightheadedness or dizziness Nausea or vomiting Blurred vision Feeling weak Confusion Fainting

Even though low blood pressure can be treated with medical treatment, the most effective treatment is actually changing behavior, diet and lifestyle.

“Blood pressure should be kept at a level that is not too high and not too low. This means it should be in the healthy range between 90/60 to 140/80mmHg.”

So said Shaline Rao, MD, cardiologist at NYU Langone Hospital, United States, as reported by USA Today.

Also read: Lifestyle Change Tips to Cope with Low Blood Pressure

How to deal with low blood pressure


illustration of symptoms of postprandial hypotension, low blood pressure after eating.

Blood pressure that is too low is not too dangerous and life threatening, but it can still pose a health risk.

Malissa Wood, MD, head of the cardiology association for health diversity and equity at Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, advises anyone who is worried about low blood pressure, should consult a doctor to see if the condition is normal or not.

“People with low blood pressure who are not normal or those who have decreased blood pressure due to position may be instructed to avoid standing for long periods of time.”

“Then the doctor will also suggest using blood pressure support stockings, increasing salt intake on the doctor’s advice, and sometimes drugs may be needed to increase the resistance of blood vessels,” he said.

In addition, there are several behaviors to relieve the symptoms of low blood pressure.

Most of the behaviors and lifestyle in managing low blood pressure involve moving slower than usual. Here are some recommendations:

Get up slowly from a sitting to standing position Be careful when you wake up, move slowly, sit for a while and stand up While sleeping Sleep with your head higher than your chest Eat small portions but often Sit for a while after eating Consume enough drinking water

Also read: Lifestyle Change Tips to Cope with Low Blood Pressure

Managing symptoms of low blood pressure

After applying changes to lifestyle, some people may also need medical treatment. So, when is the right time to see a doctor?

According to the Daily Express page, adults over the age of 40 are advised to check their health every five years.

Or if the symptoms continue to be experienced in the long term, then whenever the symptoms appear and interfere with routine, it is advisable to go to the doctor to get the right treatment.

Even at home, low blood pressure can be detected by having a blood pressure monitor that we can buy at online stores or health stores.

Understanding blood pressure or monitoring it properly can provide an opportunity to prevent and treat symptoms that appear.

Also read: 5 Tips for Managing Low Blood Pressure to Prevent Symptoms from Recurring

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2023-09-07 04:00:00
#Symptoms #Blood #Pressure #Overcome #Kompas.com

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