An accident occurred in Solignac-sur-Loire this Sunday at midday. A local resident was seriously injured after falling from a cliff near a hiking trail. In a bad position, he risked slipping. Around 2 p.m., he was finally able to be airlifted by emergency services.
The alert was given by a witness on Sunday January 28. According to initial information, a man in his forties, resident of the town, fell around fifteen meters from a cliff, in the middle of the day, at a place called Le Chambon, in Solignac-sur-Loire .The events occurred at a place called Le Chambon.
“The victim was conscious when we arrived, but in a very unstable position. She risked slipping and further falling by around ten meters,” summarized Xavier Bouchet, commander of the rescue operations, who came from the center of Puy-Puy. en-Velay.Rescue personnel in dangerous environments were on site.
He was at the head of around ten firefighters, whose first mission was to “secure the area, for the victim and for the responders”.
“The wind was turbulent, it was complicated”
In view of the situation, the civil security helicopter Dragon 69 was called in. “The wind was acting through turbulence, it was complicated,” noted Lieutenant Bouchet.
Around 2 p.m., after several attempts and maneuvers in the air, the victim was able to be airlifted. Following an assessment carried out in the aircraft, placed near a field, and given his condition deemed “absolute emergency”, the man was transported, still on board the helicopter, to the North hospital. (Saint-Etienne University Hospital).
Nora Gutting
2024-01-28 21:46:47
#Miscellaneous #facts #danger #falling #approximately #meters #cliff #SolignacsurLoire #rescued #firefighters