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Man Sentenced for Assault Pulls Out Poisoned Snickers Bar in Court

On Monday, a 76-year-old man had to appear in court in the city of Warrnambool in south-east Australia.

This summer he was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend’s daughter, and the sentencing will take place this week.

Now a number of Australian media are reporting what happened when the man was sentenced.

During the sentence reading, the man pulled out a Snickers from his pocket, and kort time later it crashed, according to the newspaper The Age.

GLANCE: Several people react to what is described as “a hateful look” from Lieke Klaver. Video: NRK. Reporter: Marte Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV-sporten. view more

Strict message

The elderly man started to eat the chocolate, but was sternly told that eating is not allowed in the courtroom.

Nevertheless, he continued to eat.

After the sentencing, he was taken back to his cell, where he told the staff that he had poisoned his chocolate.

He then fell over.

– The moment he was declared guilty for the first time, he ate the Snickers chocolate, says his defense lawyer Fraser Cameron to the newspaper The Ageand continues:

– That’s how he coped with the sentence. He was very scared.

Sounds the alarm: – Knew this day would come

In the intensive care unit

The man was transported to a hospital in Warrnambool, where he was admitted to intensive care and given an antidote.

There should not have been a fatal dose of poison in the chocolate, writes the newspaper.

THE COURT: The trial is ongoing in the District Court in Warrnambool. Photo: Warrnambool authorities Show more

Heartbreaking testimony

The abuse took place between 1991 and 2000, when the girl was between 4 and 14 years old.

In court, the victim of abuse read out her testimony, in which she lashed out at her stepfather.

– I was a scared, little girl who cried myself to sleep and wished my father would come back and save me. Even as an adult, I struggle because of your madness, she said.

Furthermore, she said that no matter what sentence the stepfather receives, she wants to shed light on how much damage sexual abuse can do to a child.

– I am a survivor. I am not what happened to me. I am who I have chosen to be, she said.

The doctor thought she was lying – died

Not mentally ill

During a court hearing on Tuesday, it became known that the man is on the road to recovery, but that he has suffered what the defense lawyer calls “considerable kidney damage” as a result of the poisoning.

A psychiatric assessment of the 76-year-old has been carried out.

The experts have concluded that he is not mentally ill – and that eating chocolate was a very special way of “coping” with the sentence.

The sentencing will take place this week, and the man risks up to ten years in prison.

2023-09-13 11:59:01
#Ate #Snickers #collapsed

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