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Man Put on Ventilator After Being Poisoned with Date Rape Drug: Ken Lien Shares His Story to Warn Others

WARNING: Ken Lien was bruised and unable to account for himself when he was sent to the hospital. Photo: Private

For one second, Ken Lien enjoyed the summer night in Risør. The next thing he was on a ventilator with no memory of what happened the night before.


Less than 20 minutes ago

Ken Lien from Risør was put on a ventilator after a city trip. Documentation from the hospital confirms that Lien was found to have been poisoned with GHB, also known as a “date rape drug”. Lien has reported the case and now wants to warn others. Show more

– It scared me from ever wanting to go out on the town again, says Ken Lien, who reported the relationship.

His voice sometimes trembles when he tells VG about the night of horror on the last Friday in June.

– I still can’t understand it. I lay there in shock.

He says that the nightmare started as a quiet evening where he and some friends drank beer, laughed and enjoyed themselves.

The atmosphere was good, and now that they were having such a good time, they decided to continue the evening at the Pir1 pub on the pier in Risør.

He was going to regret that.

Put on a respirator

Just before closing time, he ordered his regular drink – a “Black Russian”. Ken says he noticed that he quickly became slightly nauseous, and went towards the toilets. After this, Ken says that he doesn’t remember anything.

– I woke up in the hospital with a snake in my mouth. I sat there like a big question mark and exclaimed “huh”, says Lien.

– GHB, are you crazy?

He had a friend call who could tell that Ken had fallen over when the two were on their way home in the middle of the night. The friend got hold of an ambulance, which rushed Lien to Arendal hospital.

There he was put on a ventilator in the intensive care unit.

TOUGH TIMES: This photo was taken at the hospital in Arendal while Ken Lien was still in shock. Photo: Private

– I had never thought that I would have to be careful with a drink I order. I am a grown man weighing 90 kilos, imagine if it had been a girl weighing 50 kilos – then this could have gone really wrong, reflects Ken.

Documentation from the hospital that VG has seen confirms that Lien was found to have been poisoned with GHBGHBGHB (gamma hydroxybutyrates), a depressant drug, also known as a “date rape drug” because it has been used in cases of abuse.

The medical record states that he ingested a “significant amount” and had an irregular heartbeat and respiratory failure throughout the night.

– It’s gambling with people’s lives, says Ken Lien.

It was Aust-Agder magazine who mentioned the matter first.


What is GHB?

GHB is a depressant with effects similar to alcohol. It is invigorating in moderate doses and calming in higher doses. The intoxication is usually felt within 15–30 minutes, and the substance is excreted within a few hours. GHB can be dangerous to consume, because there is little difference between doses that produce intoxication and doses that lead to unconsciousness and, in the worst case, death. In addition, the strength of the GHB solutions varies. The substance is easy to manufacture and was first produced in 1960. GHB can occur as a colourless, odorless liquid with a salty taste, but it is also available as a powder and in capsules. GHB is usually dosed in soda caps and drunk, but it can also be given intravenously.

Source: Norwegian Health Information Technology (NHI)

sea ​​view

– Can happen to anyone

Only two days later he was discharged from the hospital. When VG talks to him, he is still clearly affected by the incident and is currently on sick leave.

– It aches in the body, says a coughing and bruised Lien.

He takes a deep breath and takes a bet.

– This has affected me more psychologically than I thought it would. It is best and safest to stay at home right now, he says.

He has no idea how the substance ended up in his drink.

– We stood at the bar the whole time and I thought I looked after myself well. I wonder if the substance was intended for someone else’s drink, he says.

Although the incident is difficult to talk about and come to terms with, it is important for Lien to come forward.

– The most important thing for me is to shed light on the problem. Doping happens – and when it happens to me it can happen to anyone, he concludes.

BEFORE THE DOPING: Here Ken Lien is healthy and at home with his two cats. He hopes to soon be in good shape again. Photo: Private

Police case

Shortly after Ken Lien was discharged from the hospital, he reported the case.

The police in Agder confirm to VG that they have received a report about possible poisoning in Risør.

– The case is under investigation and investigations have been carried out, but we cannot say more than that at the moment, says acting head of prosecution in the Agder police district, Cecilie Pedersen to VG.

VG has also been in contact with the owner of the night club Pir1, Terje Henriksen.

– It is of course very regrettable and it shows that this can happen anywhere, even in little Risør, he says.

– Do you think you have good enough security at the nightclub?

– Pier 1 is the most visited nightclub in Risør in the summer and also has the most hired security guards. I think the security is good, and in addition, the staff are aware that if they see something suspicious, it must be reported to the guards immediately, says Henriksen.

– How are you going to prevent this from happening again?

– It is a wake-up call that this can happen here. We just have to try to keep an extra close eye and hope that this doesn’t happen again, he concludes.


Published: 19.07.23 at 18:08

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2023-07-19 16:08:18

#Ken #thinks #GHB #drink #Gambling #peoples #lives

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