Home » News » Man Permanently Housed in Psychiatric Facility After Life-Threatening Knife Attack in Oberursel

Man Permanently Housed in Psychiatric Facility After Life-Threatening Knife Attack in Oberursel

Oberursel/Frankfurt (dpa/lhe) – Because of a life-threatening knife attack on two neighbors in an Oberursel apartment building (Hochtaunuskreis), the perpetrator is permanently housed in a special psychiatric facility. In both cases it was a case of attempted malicious murder, said the presiding judge in the Frankfurt regional court when the verdict was announced on Tuesday. “It could have affected anyone who got in his way in his madness.” With its decision, the jury followed the requests of the public prosecutor, defense and co-plaintiffs. The judgment is already legally binding.

In April 2023, the man, who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, attacked his two neighbors who were chatting on his doorstep with knives. First he plunged the blade into the neck of a then 39-year-old man from the front, then he stabbed a 57-year-old woman in the head, among other things. The man’s life was in danger; the woman would have bled to death without medical help. After the crime, the now 26-year-old fled back to his apartment and, according to the judge, inflicted “very serious injuries” on himself with the knife.

The German had already suffered increasingly from hallucinations and paranoia in the previous months. In the trial, the former computer science student explained that he had heard voices again that afternoon saying that his neighbors wanted to kill him. Since his release from the hospital, he has been temporarily housed in a psychiatric facility for criminals.

Because of the man’s incapacity, the case was not heard in regular criminal proceedings, but in so-called security proceedings. A court decides whether the perpetrator will be permanently housed in a special psychiatric hospital.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240312-99-310982/2

2024-03-12 23:50:54
#Attempted #murder #Perpetrator #permanently #hospitalized

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