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Man Named Suspect After Mall Attack in Jakarta over WhatsApp Group Invite


Yudo Andreawan was named a suspect after attacking his friend Reinhard Richard at a mall in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta. Investigate, calibaration, this case started from a WhatsApp group.

Reinhard said that in January 2023 he was included by Yudo in a WhatsApp group. The group discussed Yudo’s wedding plans with a dentist who was later found to be fictitious.

“I left the group and was invited again up to 5 times. I was tired, I chatted in the group ‘what group is this, I apologize without reducing respect. If you want to invite a wedding, just send it personally, you don’t need to make a group and be invited many times’, ” Reinhard said when contacted detikcomTuesday (18/4/2023).

Seeing this, Yudo cursed Reinhardt and his family in the group. Reinhardt received the information from another group member who was also his friend.

“He said my name was Reinhard Richard, son of a *** child judge. I didn’t accept that, I called him. I said what do you mean. Then he cursed my dog. You come here if you dare to (mention one of the malls),” he said .

The two met at the mall. At the mall, Reinhard and his friends receive unpleasant treatment from Yudo. At that time Yudo cursed, punched, kicked and spat on the two of them until they were separated by local security.

“He told me to sit in front of him, I didn’t want to, in the end he hit the table, his emotions provoked, then my friend had time to record, his cellphone was slammed, it fell, finally he tried to push and kick us. When he argued with my friend, I videoed me he spat at me and threw me at the receptionist’s board. I got scratched,” he said.

Because of this, Reinhard decided to report Yudo Andreawan to Polda Metro Jaya regarding article 335 concerning Unpleasant Acts.

Yudo Becomes a Suspect

Yudo Andreawan had to deal with the police after reportedly assaulting the victim at a mall in Central Jakarta. Yudo Andreawan has now been named a suspect.
“Already (became a suspect),” said Head of Sub-Directorate of Ranmor, Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Yuliansyah, to journalists, Friday (14/4/2023).

Yudo was named a suspect in a case reported by Yudo Andreawan’s friend, Reinhard Richard, regarding the persecution that was carried out in a mall in the Central Jakarta area.

“Allegations Articles 351 and 335,” he said.

Article 351 of the Criminal Code reads:

(1) Persecution is punishable by imprisonment for a maximum of two years and eight months or a maximum fine of four thousand five hundred rupiahs.
(2) If the act results in serious injury, the offender shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of five years.
(3) If it results in death, it shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of seven years.
(4) With the persecution equated deliberately damage to health.
(5) Attempt to commit this crime shall not be punished.

Article 335 of the Criminal Code reads:

(1) By imprisonment for a maximum of one year or a fine for a maximum of four thousand five hundred rupiahs:
1. any person who unlawfully forces another person to do, not do or allow something, by using violence, any other act or unpleasant treatment, or by using threats of violence, any other act or unpleasant treatment, either against another person both itself and others;
2. whoever forces other people to do, not do or allow something with threats of defamation or written defamation.

(2) In the case as defined in point 2, the crime is only prosecuted on the complaint of the person affected


2023-04-18 12:21:49

#Sitting #Case #Yudo #Andreawan #Persecutes #Friends #Left #Group

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