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Man left 1 million cash in a taxi and driver praised for not collecting money out of ignorance: Netizens complained they were too careless – fast technology – technology changes the future

The man left 1 million cash in a taxi and the driver collected the money and was praised: Netizens complained they were too careless

You often lose money in life, but have you ever heard of losing 1 million cash? If yes, what would you do?

According to reports,In the early morning of November 21, in Xichang City, Sichuan Province, a man was careless when he took a taxi after drinking, and even left 1 million cash in the car. Fortunately, my brother found it in time , reported it to the taxi company and called the police and handed over 1 million cash to the police station.

Subsequently, the police contacted the owner after verification and agreed to go to the police station to withdraw money on the morning of the 21st.

“It’s not easy to make money now. I think so much money has been lost and the owner must be very anxious, but since there is no contact information for the owner, I immediately reported to the company and called the police. Together with the staff of the company, hurry up and deliver the money to the police station.” Luo Hao said that as a practitioner in the service industry, he only did what he had to do.

Luo Hao is a taxi driver at Xichang Yuecheng Taxi Co., Ltd. “I worked the evening shift on the 20th and handed over the shift at 5 in the morning the next day,” he reminded the Red Star News reporter. Passengers: “A man and a woman have boarded the bus.” It looked like they were drinking. At that moment, they put a cardboard box on the passenger seat, and the two sat in the back row.”

Many netizens saw this scene and said that the quality of this brother is really amazing, this is the real way to make money, under such a great temptation, full of positive energy worth learning from, what do you think?

According to the Red Star News report, Mr. Sha said that early in the morning that day, Mr. Ji was too drunk and took away the money. “Actually, I was also drunk. At that time, I took a taxi to send a friend to Bangtai Garden City, and then went back to my home in Qionghai Bay community to rest. I vomited shortly after paying, and walked out of the car.Only then did I find out that the money was left in the car.

“The money disappeared. At that time, I was very anxious, so nervous that I could not sleep, so I contacted the taxi company to look around. Afterwards, the taxi company said they handed over the money to the police station, and the stone hanging from my heart has fallen.” Mr. Sha said: 21 on the morning of the 2nd, he came to the police station, but the relevant police were not there at the time, so he was going to have breakfast to collect it. “I thought the money was at the police station, and I was more comfortable, so I went home first, thinking I’d come and collect it later.”

“Because I drank too much alcohol early in the morning, I planned to rest for a while, but overslept as soon as I fell asleep.” Mr. Sha said that when he woke up, he found that there were many missed calls on his cell phone, and he immediately called back and rushed to the police station, I put it on silence, I don’t know the police called me like that so many times, I’m really sorry.

[Fine di questo articolo]If you need to reprint, be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Responsible editor: Xuehua

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