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Man Kills and Mutilates Wife in Jakarta: Shocking Crime on Jalan Serayu


James Lodewky Tomatala (61) had the heart to kill his wife then mutilated. James mutilated his wife into 10 pieces at home on Jalan Serayu RT 04 RW 02, Bunulrejo Village, Blimbing, Malang City, then placed her on the front porch of the house.

Reported detikJatim, James initially picked up Ni Made Sutarini who was attending activities at Taman Krida Budaya. It is known that Ni Made did not come home for almost a year because she could not stand the disputes at home.

“The suspect went to pick up the victim at around 07.30 WIB at Krida Budaya Park. At around 08.15 WIB the suspect met the victim and then went home,” said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Malang City Police Commissioner Danang to journalists, Sunday (31/12/2023).

When they arrived home, the two of them got into an argument until the perpetrator hit him on the head and strangled the victim to death. Then, James carried out an act of mutilation and put 10 body parts on the terrace of the house.

“After that, the suspect cut the victim’s body into several pieces. The victim’s dismembered body was then placed on the terrace of the house in a bucket,” he explained.

Furthermore, James surrendered and admitted his actions to the Blimbing Police on Sunday (31/12/2023) at around 08.00 WIB. Then, the police immediately carried out a crime scene investigation.

Read more at here.


2024-01-01 02:32:32

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