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Man is stabbing victim on Brooklyn subway train | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

in 2020 there were 11, in 2019there were 11 also has 2018there were 14. in 2017 there were six.hope: at this time, thepolice have not found himwhereabouts of suspectstab a man tonightAsian 39 years old in asubway station inbrooklyn.we take him to the scene of thefacts, we got reactions fromexpressed their fear oflack of security. damarisíaz has the story.damaris: another happened again andfeel bloody in the subway,en Brooklyn.according to the report of thepolice, it all started whentwo men, oneabout 20 years and theanother 39, began todiscuss on board the train f thatfrom going north at3:15 p.m.the young ace pulled out a knifeand stabbed another man in theshoulder, despite beingwounded, the victim hit thesuspect in the headtwo were bleeding. whileSo the train was full ofpassengers.when the train was taken, thesuspect fled the scene.the viy ás was transferred to aarea hospital in conditionsteady. we talked withusers showing theirconcern.>> we don’t expect this to happen,we are very afraid.hopefully the governmentfigure these things out.>> we went out to look for breadevery day, we want to returnhome first, but I don’t knowhe knows insecurely. now whatWe are until God says.damaris: is one of the aces of946 crimes that have been recordedthe police department inthe subway, so far this year.despite reinforcing theplatform security andtrains. we talked with aretired police sergeantof new york, who offerssome tips for youprotect yourself from evildoers.>> when we go and walk toour streets, the councilpractical is that the exchangeof words, are words andwe must from climbing thesituation, we can not playbe brave, becausereally not worth itconfront because there are manypeople who have disordersmental and are on the streets.this is not the time to dothe Braves.damaris: the police ask for thecommunity help forfind the attacker, whodescribed as a man ofabout 20 years wearinga black long-sleeved shirtand mustard-colored pants.you can anonymously call188857 track.remember that the reward isup to $3,500, for whom

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