Man is said to have stabbed roommates and set fire to apartment
Arrest of an armed man after the apartment fire in Stuttgart on Tuesday.
Photo: Andreas Rometsch/
Stuttgart What happened in a Stuttgart apartment before the flames struck? What did three roommates argue about so badly that two ended up dying? The police are reluctant to provide information about the crime.
Several days after an initially mysterious apartment fire with two fatalities in Stuttgart and the arrest of an armed man, the allegations against the 45-year-old intensify. According to the police on Friday, the Italian is said to have fatally injured his two roommates after a dispute. According to the police, he is also suspected of having set the apartment on fire before leaving the house armed with two knives.
The fire brigade apparently accidentally discovered the clouds of smoke in the Feuerbach district on duty on the way back from another operation. The man armed with two knives stood in front of the entrance and made it impossible for the emergency services to get into the burning house. He was arrested after a police officer fired a warning shot. An arrest warrant was issued against him.
In the rubble of the apartment, the fire brigade finally discovered the seriously injured, a 54-year-old woman and a 32-year-old man. Both later succumbed to their stab wounds. The victims and the alleged perpetrator lived in the same apartment, they are not related to each other.
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