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Man Injured in Stabbing Incident in Toulouse: Investigation Underway

the essentials A 40-year-old man, injured with a stab in Toulouse during the night from Friday to Saturday, was taken to hospital. His life would not be in danger.

Once again, in Toulouse, a man was injured with a knife. This time, it was a 40-year-old victim to whom the firefighters had to go and rescue. The man was injured on the public highway at 5 a.m. near No. 82 Route de Bayonne.

Firefighters and a medical team from Smur 31 intervened to provide first aid. The victim suffered a blow to the back, to the shoulder blade and a blow to the ribs. Medically treated on site, this man was then evacuated to the emergency room of Rangueil hospital “in absolute emergency” according to the firefighters.

The first assessments carried out at the hospital, despite an individual who appeared to be uncooperative, are more reassuring.

On site, in an area which hosts various businesses, the police found no witnesses to tell what had just happened. And the victim, who is said to be homeless, was not very talkative about the violent attack he had suffered.

Investigations continue. They were entrusted by the prosecution to the departmental security office.

2023-09-30 08:31:45
#40yearold #man #stabbed #Toulouse #night

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