Home » Business » Man in Inglewood denounces that rains uncovered a hole in his house and his insurance does not cover the damage | Videos | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

Man in Inglewood denounces that rains uncovered a hole in his house and his insurance does not cover the damage | Videos | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

neighbors have suffered incidents,having taken out insurancefrom home, but in this situation>> it was the size of a flowerpotand today it is onediameter of 5 feet. The issueis that if it keeps getting worse,then puts the riskproperty. also to the grandchildrenthey can come and walk bythe place.nadia: noó that one of thosepots was sinking butfound that tremendous holeand called the fire brigade, whothey closed off the area, they told himwhich is 40 feet longunfortunately liesamong their property, which they leftcontact your home insurance andThey told him the following.>> they say they don’tthey can cover, that they coverflood, but they do not coverwhat happened here theyi think i shouldfind out, because I made sureto have good insurance.no one an insurance agent whoworks for the companylargos is a client, he explained thatthey are not the same ones that coverearthquakes or tremorsland, as in your case.>> discuss in detail allthose events that, although inwhat sense do they say that iscovered, possibly in theclarification of eventsthat they are not and that they areexclusions, I give him a lotclarity to the client and be ina situation like thistime in a situationfavorable.however, he adds that therehope for joé and others inhis betting situation after havingdeclared the state ofstorm emergencyresources than the governmentintended to help those whowere affected lends.>> if your óliza had anyexclusion by which he hasremained is protected by thehome insurance, not thatmeans that in an event ofstate for help.situation similar to this and wasaffected by stormsyou can contact fema forknow if they can support you.the phone number is1800621le 33 62, le submittedprovide help in

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