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Man in his 20s missing in Vestre Jakobselv – NRK Troms and Finnmark – Local news, TV and radio

A man in his early 20s has been reported missing by a friend in the Djuphola area, just north of Vestre Jakobselv in Vadsø municipality.

– On the way home from a cabin party, the comrade had lost his sight, and not seen him for a long time, says operations manager Robin Fure in Finnmark police district.

The man in his early 20s was last seen at half past one last night.

A search operation has now been launched, Fure informs NRK at six o’clock on Friday morning.

Crews are sent out to the area, before entering the search area.

– The police are in the alert and emergency phase, so we have crews on their way to the scene. The air ambulance is on its way to take a rough search along the river, says Fure.

The fire service reports that they also participate in the search.

Search operation for cloud picks in Karasjok

This is not the only search operation currently underway in Finnmark. A search operation is also underway in Karasjok. That after a male cloud picker in the 70s. The search operation here has been going on since night to Thursday.

Search crews found the man’s ATV on Thursday morning, but so far the missing person has not been found.

– The status so far is that we have many out and looking, and it is planned for further searches, says operations manager Robin Fure at the police on Friday morning.

The man even called acquaintances on Wednesday night at 10 pm to say he had got stuck with his ATV.

Crews from the Armed Forces, the Civil Defense, the Red Cross, volunteers, the fire service and the police are participating in the search for the cloudberry picker.

The search operation in Karasjok has been in full swing since night until Thursday.

Photo: Nils John Porsanger / NRK

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