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Man in army uniform starts beating at the train station – Tyrol

The Tyrolean police are looking for a brutal attack on an unknown perpetrator. The suspect is said to have worn a uniform of the Austrian Armed Forces.

As reported by the State Police Directorate of Tyrol, the suspect is said to have been at Imst-Pitztal train station at around 1:20 p.m. on Monday. The man wore a federal army uniform and was accompanied by a woman and a child.

There he is said to have been addressed by a 22-year-old Austrian. The latter, visibly drunk, begged him for money and is said to have molested his daughter, according to the police, according to the unknown.

Incident reported, then escaped

The uniformed man then struck and struck the young man to the ground, where he remained motionless. Before the Brutalo and his family got on the next train, he informed the dispatcher of the incident.

Passers-by gave the victim first aid and informed the rescue workers, who brought the 22-year-old to Zams hospital with a minor head injury.

Useful information about the unknown man in the army uniform will be sent to PI Imst on the phone number +43 59133 7100-100 asked for.

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