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Man high-speed rail domineering arrogant and arrogant railway police report detained him for 5 days-IT and Transportation-Railway

High-speed rail (train) dominance phenomenon occurs from time to time, and the dominance is often extremely arrogant, the passengers who dominate the seat are miserable, the flight attendants and even the police are at a loss, which is embarrassing, but for this kind of behavior that disrupts social order, absolutely cannot Tolerate. Recently, a video of “men’s high-speed rail dominates the seat” was circulated on the Internet. The man in it was arrogant and clamored when facing passengers and flight attendants who could not sit in their own seats:“I’ll do it with you. This is my position. I just won’t let it!”


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According to a report from the Hefei Railway Public Security Department, after investigation, at 14 o’clock on February 14, 2021, the G7146 train bound for Shanghai Hongqiao in Anqing No. 6 car,Passenger Yin Moumou (male, 40 years old) forcibly occupied another person’s seat, refused to obey the train staff’s dissuasion and refused to give up his seat, and had a dispute with the passenger, whose behavior constituted an illegal act that disturbed the order of public places.

The Hefei Railway Public Security Bureau, in accordance with the provisions of Article 23, Paragraph 1, Item (3) of the “Public Security Administration Penalty Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaYin XX was given administrative detention for 5 days.

According to Article 815 of the Civil Code that came into effect on January 1 this year, railway passengers should ride in accordance with the time, frequency and seat number recorded on the valid ticket. Passengers who ride without a ticket, take over-travel, skip-class rides, or ride with discounted tickets that do not meet the conditions of reduced fares shall pay the fare, and the carrier may charge additional fares in accordance with regulations; if the passenger does not pay the fare, the carrier may Refusal to transport.

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