Home » today » News » Man faints at the birth of his wife and she teases by taking a selfie next to him | El Salvador News

Man faints at the birth of his wife and she teases by taking a selfie next to him | El Salvador News

The first-time mother’s husband could not bear to see the birth. Seeing that her husband had collapsed, he took out his cell phone and took the picture. The image has gone viral.

In social networks the image of a woman who has just given birth has gone viral. The selfi does not show the mother next to the newborn baby, but her husband lying on the floor being treated by some doctors.

The funny photograph, shared in Worthfeed’s Instagram account and replicated in several accounts and pages of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, shows the woman smiling in the hospital bed while her husband is lying on the floor, apparently fainted after witnessing the Birth.

Some media have reported that the baby is the couple’s first child. Pixabay photo

The woman, who has not been identified, apparently took her cell phone and captured the scene where her husband is seen surrounded by several doctors, one of whom holds the newborn in his arms.

The original publication, entitled “He was here to support his wife in her first birth”, has received a flood of comments, ranging from “poor thing”, to “show the picture to your child when he is older.”

Some users showed their compassion for man, while others made fun of the situation.

“OMG! He must have been so excited to see his baby, ”said an Internet user, accompanying his comment with an emoticon that cries with laughter.

“The poor man had no idea what he was getting into,” said another user.

“I laugh silly. And that is why we give birth, we are stronger, ”said another.

Presumably, the birth occurred by caesarean section, since the woman is covered by a protective sheet and is wearing a hat. Many users argue that the unfortunate man could not bear to see so much blood and the way the creature came into the world.

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