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Man dies in an agricultural tractor accident in Torre de Moncorvo

A man, about 70 years old, died this Friday afternoon, following an accident with a farm tractor. The man worked on a private property in Souto da Velha, in the municipality of Torre de Moncorvo.

Resuscitation maneuvers were performed, but the man could not resist the severity of his injuries.

Minutes before the accident, according to a source heard by JN, the victim had been in a solidarity action to arrange a chapel. The retired carpenter was maneuvering the tractor in the vineyard he owned when the vehicle overturned.

The INEM helicopter and seven firefighter vehicles were sent to the site. The operations also included members of the GNR and 22 firefighters.

In just over 24 hours, this was the second fatal victim in accidents involving agricultural tractors in the district of Bragança. Thursday morning, a farmer, aged 70, died in similar circumstances in Poiares, municipality of Freixo de Espada à Cinta, when the vehicle overturned.

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