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Man Diagnosed with Stage 4 Throat Cancer Triggered by HPV: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment


A man was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer triggered by the human papilloma virus (HPV). He was surprised because he felt in good health and diligent cycling.

A man named Steve Bergman thought his condition was only related to smoking, drinking alcohol, and exposure to chemicals. However, he admitted that he did not do these habits.

“It turned out that all of this had nothing to do with it,” he told Metro, quoted on Saturday (29/7/2023).

Symptoms Experienced

Before his cancer diagnosis appeared in May 2015, Bergman had been complaining of a cold that wouldn’t go away. Plus pain on the side of his neck.

“A sore throat that doesn’t go away is a symptom of throat cancer,” according to the American Cancer Society.

He was sent to a specialist who put a camera down his throat and found cancer in his tonsils.

“I really felt numb,” he said.

Causes of Throat Cancer

A week later, Bergman went to the hospital expecting a biopsy and a tonsillectomy. As it turned out, he had surgery to remove the cancer.

When surgeons removed the cancer, they found it was larger than expected and were concerned that Bergman could not breathe because of the swelling. So he put Bergman in with a tracheostomy, an opening made down the front of the neck into the windpipe that helps him breathe.

A few weeks after leaving the hospital after surgery, tests confirmed that Bergman’s cancer was stage 4. The condition was caused by HPV that was acquired through sexual contact.

Bergman underwent two rounds of chemotherapy and one course of radiotherapy, and was declared cancer-free last year for 2021.

NEXT: His condition is postoperative


2023-07-30 01:18:30
#Facts #Mens #Recognition #Stage #Throat #Cancer #due #Oral #Sex

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