In a shocking incident that took place in Bengaluru, a 29-year-old man entered a church claiming to be ‘God’ and caused extensive damage to the furniture inside. The man, identified as Tom Mathew, was later arrested by the police.
The incident occurred at the St. Pius Ten Church on Kamanahalli Road around 4 am on Wednesday. Tom Mathew forcefully entered the church by breaking the door with a hammer. The security personnel immediately alerted the police, who arrived at the scene and apprehended him at 4:30 am.
According to the police, Tom Mathew’s violent behavior was attributed to his consumption of alcohol. Liquor bottles were found in his house, which have been seized and examined as evidence. The authorities believe that his mental state was affected by the absence of his father, who left the family four years ago. Combined with unemployment and other factors, Tom had been mentally exhausted for the past two years.
Interestingly, St. Pius Ten Church is the place of worship regularly attended by Tom’s mother. She informed the police that her son would often claim to be God whenever he visited the church. The Mathew family, originally from Kerala, has been residing in Bengaluru for the past three decades.
The incident has left the local community in shock and disbelief. The church authorities are assessing the extent of the damage caused by Tom Mathew’s rampage. Meanwhile, the police have charged him with trespassing and vandalism.
This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and support systems. It highlights the need for individuals struggling with mental health issues to seek help and for society to provide the necessary resources and assistance.
In conclusion, the arrest of Tom Mathew, who claimed to be ‘God’ and vandalized a church in Bengaluru, has left the community shaken. The incident underscores the significance of addressing mental health concerns and providing support to those in need.
What steps can individuals take to seek help for mental health issues and promote awareness within their communities
Title: A Shocking Incident in Bengaluru: Addressing Mental Health Concerns
In a startling incident that unfolded in Bengaluru, a 29-year-old man named Tom Mathew entered St. Pius Ten Church on Kamanahalli Road, claiming to be ‘God’, and proceeded to cause extensive damage to the furniture inside. This shocking act of vandalism left the local community in disbelief and raised concerns about mental health awareness and support systems.
The incident took place around 4 am on a Wednesday, when Tom forcefully broke into the church’s premises, wielding a hammer to gain entry. Thankfully, the quick response of the security personnel alerted the police, who arrived promptly at the scene and apprehended him at 4:30 am.
According to the police, Tom Mathew’s violent behavior was influenced by his consumption of alcohol. Liquor bottles were discovered at his residence and have been seized as evidence for further investigation. Authorities believe that his mental state had deteriorated over the past two years due to various factors such as long-term unemployment and emotional distress stemming from his father’s absence, who left the family four years prior.
It is worth noting that St. Pius Ten Church was regularly attended by Tom’s mother, who informed the police that her son would often claim to be God whenever he visited. The Mathew family, originally from Kerala, has been residing in Bengaluru for the past three decades.
The incident has highlighted the pressing need for mental health awareness and support systems within society. It serves as a reminder that individuals struggling with mental health issues should seek help and that society as a whole must provide the necessary resources and assistance. The arrest of Tom Mathew not only sends a warning to those who may be in similar situations but also emphasizes the significance of addressing mental health concerns in order to prevent such incidents in the future.
The church authorities are currently evaluating the damage caused by Tom Mathew’s rampage. Meanwhile, the police have pressed charges against him for trespassing and vandalism, ensuring that appropriate legal action is taken.
In conclusion, the shocking incident involving Tom Mathew, who claimed to be ‘God’ and vandalized the St. Pius Ten Church in Bengaluru, has left the community shaken. It serves as a reminder to prioritize mental health awareness and support, both at an individual and societal level. By offering resources and assistance to those in need, we can create a safer and more compassionate environment for everyone.
This article highlights the disturbing incident at St. Pius Ten Church in Bengaluru, where a man claiming to be ‘God’ caused havoc. It is alarming to witness such incidents in places of worship, and it is crucial for authorities to promptly handle such situations to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved.