Home » today » Entertainment » Man Breaks Through Police Barrier After Simmering Shooting: Allegations of Police Violence Arise

Man Breaks Through Police Barrier After Simmering Shooting: Allegations of Police Violence Arise

After the bloody deed in Simmering on Sunday, a man tried to break through the police barrier. Now there are allegations of violence against the police.

On Sunday, Simmeringer Hauptstrasse was the scene of a bloody deed. A 34-year-old Iranian is said to have shot a 38-year-old compatriot – in self-defense, as the man emphasizes. Two hours later, while the homicide detectives were busy securing clues, one happened Tumult in the crowd of onlookers, the COURIER watched the scene. A young man had tried to break through the police cordon around the crime scene. Supposedly because he wanted to go to an ATM. However, several police officers overpowered the man, injuring him and an officer. Both men required hospital treatment.

➤ Read more: Fatal shots in Vienna-Simmering: “He was like my son”

Because many media representatives were on site after the bloody crime, the arrest of the 19-year-old young man was documented. He first stood in front of the police officers and shouted loudly, so that all cameras were pointed at him. Then two and later several police officers wrestled him to the ground. The man is believed to have sustained head injuries. After parts of the recordings were published by several media, allegations of violence against the police were made.

Officer still on duty

According to police spokeswoman Barbara Gass, the cut and partly pixelated recordings circulating on the Internet have already been secured and viewed. “Now all the information is collated and then sent to the competent court, just like in any other case.” Because it is still too early to assess the allegations, the officer who is confronted with the allegations of violence is still on duty.

The 19-year-old is now being released for resisting state authority and causing serious bodily harm.

Similar scenes only occurred in February after a shooting attack in Vienna-Simmering. Former national soccer team player Volkan Karaman was shot dead by a friend on the street. The shooter then turned the gun on himself. Among the hundreds of onlookers who then gathered at the crime scene, there were also riots and fisticuffs.

➤ Read more: Deadly shots in Simmering, suspect left suicide note

criticism from politics

The edited video of the police operation also caused a stir politically. “As soon as the police have overwhelmed a person, they are not allowed to use any more violence against them – no matter what they are accused of,” criticized the Green safety spokesman Georg Bürstmayr. “These video recordings are disturbing, there is no apparent reason for this obviously excessive violence. Our police may only use coercive force if and for as long as it is necessary to overcome resistance, and even then they must always choose the mildest means.”

The Greens, like the Neos, announced a parliamentary question. Neos security spokeswoman Stephanie Krisper again demanded that the planned complaints office against police violence not be located in the Ministry of the Interior. “The Greens agreed to this despite loud criticism from all experts. They should withdraw their consent to this absurd idea by now at the latest,” Krisper said.

Criminal sociologist Reinhard Kreissl located in the S1-Mittagsjournal said that “the young civil servants in a heated situation were overwhelmed” and spoke out in favor of better training. With the state monopoly on the use of force that police officers have, however, one must “deal with a sense of proportion”. “If someone poses a threat, then the police have to react, but if a person is already pinned to the ground, then violence can no longer be exercised against this person,” criticized lawyer Clemens Lahner, who specializes in police violence.

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2023-05-09 15:12:00
#Allegations #violence #police #full #video #controversial #arrest

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