Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – A 55-year-old man is said to have stabbed and seriously injured his wife, who was 20 years his junior, in Düsseldorf. Ten patrol cars were deployed as part of a large-scale manhunt to cut off the escape routes of the suspected stabber, the public prosecutor’s office and the police said on Wednesday. In fact, he was arrested after a few minutes near the crime scene.
The 35-year-old was taken to a clinic. Danger to life can now be ruled out, it said. On Wednesday morning there was a dispute in the couple’s shared apartment, which escalated. Witnesses alerted rescue workers and the police, who came across the heavily bleeding woman in the apartment.
A son had to watch the bloody deed. The father was so heavily intoxicated that he could not be questioned at first. A police helicopter and search dogs were also requested for the search. Extensive clues were found at the crime scene.
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