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“Man Accused of Theft and Assault on Rue de la Science: Case Update and Verdict”

As the young woman left a friend’s home and went to her parked vehicle on rue de la Science, she noticed the suspicious behavior of a man. “She was followed, then she picked up the pace and the man did the same. He ended up starting to accost her, asking her several questions about her origins. Several times, she made it clear to him that she was not interested. “Prevented from getting into his car by Abdelali, the victim ends up noticing the theft of his mobile phone while the defendant has just tried to hug her.

Fortunately, a witness of the facts attended the scene and confirmed having seen Abdelali’s hand slip into Dounia’s pocket to grab the phone and leave the scene. In the meantime, the police went to the victim and geolocated the stolen device on rue d’Orléans. Abdelali is present at the scene, matches the physical description provided to the police and has Dounia’s iPhone. But not only, since the police find on him a second iPhone, belonging to Mehdi and stolen a few hours before. The thief took advantage of Mehdi’s sleep, asleep at the wheel of his car, to steal his mobile phone.

Faced with justice, Abdelali swears that he did not exercise the slightest form of violence against Dounia. For Mehdi’s iPhone, it was a certain Mohamed who gave him the phone. “But I knew it wasn’t his because he didn’t know the unlock code for the device,” admits the defendant. For these two thefts, the prosecution wants a sentence of 3 years in prison.

A reprieve and the greatest leniency of the court are requested from the defence. Judgment May 4.

2023-04-24 04:04:20
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