Recently, actress Mamta Mohandas revealed that she is suffering from vitiligo. The actress clarified that she is losing her color and is taking care to sunbathe every day. The actress also posted pictures of her illness. The actor also said that he was hiding himself while trying to hide his illness. Mamta added that she told her parents about the illness after nine months and they could not bear it suddenly.
The actor has opened up about the changes that the disease has brought to him. The actor says that the last three months were difficult for him. Mamta said that she is getting white every day and 70 percent of her body is white. The actress also stated that she now has to put on brown makeup. The revelation was made in an interview given to a Tamil channel.
When his illness worsened, he went to America, where he forgot about his illness. Went out without makeup and lived freely. But when he came to the country and went to get fuel at the pump, a man suddenly saw him and asked, ‘Oh sister, what’s wrong with your neck and face? Is there any accident’? Suddenly there was a weight of ten kilos on the head. That’s when I remembered that I came out without makeup. This is what India is doing to me. Mamta said that people here do not know what privacy is.
Read Also: Cancer is also survivable if given adequate treatment; Mamta Mohandas with a note on Cancer Day
Story Highlights: Mamta Mohandas About Vitiligo Disease
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