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Mammoth remains discovered at metro yard in Brussels: “Thigh bone and tusk found”


Several bones of mammoths and other animals from the Paleolithic era were discovered last week at the Metro 3 yard in Brussels. This happened during preventive archaeological excavations by Urban.Brussels.

“We found a femur and a piece of tusk from a mammoth, and a bone from a wild horse. In addition, there were also antlers of a red deer and a lower jaw. It probably belongs to a giant deer,” said archaeozoologist Bea De Cupere of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences when presenting the find. These animals lived here during the last ice age, which dates from 120,000 to 11,700 years ago. The bones, which were found where Toots Thielemans metro station should be located, have not yet been dated. They provide an image of the fauna during the last ice age.

Paleolithic history

It is exceptional that so many bones are found at the same time in the same place. As a rule, this only happens during very major works, such as now, during the construction of metro lines or deep underground parking garages.

Because the find is so rare, the results of further investigation of the remains are awaited with interest. This is important for understanding the Paleolithic history of the region.

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