Mammootty and director Rahul Sadashivan are teaming up for the first time and the film is titled Bhramayugam. The shooting of Bharamayuga, in which Mammootty will play the lead role, has started in Kochi. Arjun Ashokan and Siddharth Bharathan play the lead roles. Amalda Liz, who shone in films like Ott and Sulekha Manzil, is also playing the lead role. Ottapalam will also be the location for the horror thriller film. S. Chakraborty Ramachandra under the banner of Tamil fame Y Note Studios and Night Shift Studios. TD Ramakrishnan is writing the dialogue for the first film to be produced after forming a production house for horror thriller films with Sashikant. Cinematography by Shahnad Jalal, Production Designer Jyotish Shankar, Editor Shafiq Mohammad Ali, Music by Christo Xavier, Makeup by Ronex Xavier, Cost and Melvi J. The film will release in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi languages next year. PR O Sabari.
Mammootty and Director Rahul Sadashivan Join Forces for Thrilling Film ‘Bhramayugam’
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