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Mammograms performed on inmates of Santa Martha Acatitla

The objective of the event is to guarantee free and quality medical care without distinction, through a preventive study that can prevent breast cancer.

The Mexico City Health Secretariat (Sedesa) is carrying out the second campaign of the year to carry out mastographies to persons deprived of liberty at the Women’s Social Reintegration Center Santa Martha Acatitla.

As part of the prevention actions breast cancer, These tests are carried out in the prison from August 12 to 16. This service, which is carried out on a medibus, and the colposcopy (to prevent cervical cancer) is offered free of charge twice a year to the female incarcerated population to detect breast cancer in a timely manner.

The Deadly She points out that some symptoms of this condition may include inflammation of the breast or part of it; skin irritation, breast pain, changes in the texture of the skin, stinging and irritation, pain or redness in the nipple, as well as discharge, among others.

If any of the inmates have a positive result, the person is referred to the National Cancer Institute to receive treatment from specialist doctors.

In its statement, the Mexico City Health Department He stresses that the best way to have a better chance of detecting any changes is to perform a self-examination every month, and recommends that this be done starting at age 20.

The Mexican Official Standard 041-SSA2-2011, for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, control and surveillance of breast cancer, establishes three basic tools for detection: self-examination, breast ultrasound and mammography.

With these actions, the Ministry of Health seeks to guarantee the right to free and dignified health care to all people without distinction.

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