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Mamadou Thug does not digest Ibrahima Diallo’s travel ban – Radio Espace Guinée

The head of operations of the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution, Ibrahima Diallo, who was to travel to France on Monday for personal reasons, was banned by the police from leaving as soon as he arrived at Ahmed Sékou Touré international airport in Conakry. Mamadou Lamine Diallo, National Councilor of the CNT is outraged to learn such news for his country.

It was in an outing on social networks that Mamadou Thug castigated this attitude of the transitional authorities through the control services of AST airport in Conakry. First of all, it recalls the “Charter of the Transition which states that no situation should justify the restriction of rights and freedoms. The same charter enshrines freedom of movement and establishment throughout the territory.

To continue, “it is therefore inadmissible that an agent depositary of the public force, even a minister of the republic, opposes the exit of the territory for a Guinean”, wrote the humorist, Mamadou Thug.

In the same vein, this adviser to the CNT adds this.

Ibrahima Diallo imprisoned for months, tried and acquitted should not be prevented from traveling.

What image of the country do we send back to the eyes of the world? So I, in my capacity as National Councilor (parliamentarian), protest against this way of doing things,” he concluded.

It should be remembered that since the advent to power of the CNRD, the thinking heads of the FNCD have not stopped being subjected to some form of abuse of authority.

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