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Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska in an old photo with her husband

Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska shared a family keepsake online. The photos from the old days moved fans in particular. The actress showed what she and her husband Paweł looked like in their youth.

Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska and Paweł Królikowski – relationship

Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska and Paweł Królikowski met when she was taking exams for the Wrocław acting school. – When I saw Małgosia for the first time, it was spring, the magnolias smelled. I thought:“She was exactly what I was waiting for.” And I started hitting on her, he said in an interview for Gala.

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Antoni Królikowski about his family life

Antoni Królikowski about his family life

Source: Dzień Dobry TVN

Paweł had been courting Małgorzata for a long time. – He stopped me on the bus. He approached me and asked if we could go together. I didn’t know what he was on about, because he was a big fan. I replied: “With you?!” – the actress confessed in Fakt. After many attempts by Królikowski, she finally agreed to a date. – He was able to organize everything. He was very energetic. On top of that, he was a great buddy, a cool friend. When I met him, I would never have thought that he would be my husband one day. It was fate – Małgorzata stated.

The couple married in 1988 and had five children: Anthony, John, Xavier, Julia, MarcelinaThe actor had another son from an extramarital relationship. Maciej.

Paweł Królikowski died on February 27, 2020aged 58. In the last years of his life he struggled with health problems. In 2015 he underwent brain surgery.

Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska in a family photo

Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska published photos from her and her husband’s youth on social media.

– Beach, flowers, walk, nap. Memories, youth, children – we read in the entry.

The post was met with many comments from fans of the Królikowski family. – In the first photo, you can see that Antek is a copy of Mr. Paweł. Identical – wrote a fan. – Mrs. Małgosia, such memories are a treasure that we will treasure forever! – added someone else. – How beautiful you are. Everyone is beautiful – we read in the comments.

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Author: Oskar Netkowski

Main photo source: MWMEDIA

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