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Malfunctions in “Starlink” .. What is their impact on the course of the war in Ukraine?

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Ukraine’s recognition of this malfunction underlines the significant role played by the regime Telecommunications Owned by a billionaire Elon Muskwhich provides Internet access through a group of satellites owned by a company "SpaceX".

According to political affairs researcher Samar Radwan, the Ukrainian regime has received thousands of devices "stellar connection"by the US government and funded by donors".

The purpose of these devices, according to Radwan "Help the Ukrainian forces to run Dronesreceive vital intelligence information and communicate with each other in areas where there are no other secure networks".

The Deputy Chief Director of the Center added "Realist" For studies speaking to the site "Sky News Arabia": "The capabilities of these satellites do not stop at the collection of optical images, as some of them can see through clouds and inadequate weather conditions and track the movements of Russian forces at night.".

These systems have helped, according to Radwan Kiev In determining the bank’s objectives after the Russian side signed the decision to annex the republics Donbass Vizaborujia Vakhirson.

And the Russian political analyst Andrei Ontikov considered that the shutdown of these devices at this time "Proof that the West and Washington know how dangerous the situation is and cross the red line, and everyone doesn’t want the battles to be transferred to Europe Completely as soon as it gets to the heart Russia".

Ontikov said, in a statement to the website "Sky News Arabia"That "Europe will work in the next period to push for calm in order to find some kind of balance and not to let the situation get out of control".

Importance "stellar connection"

  • At the beginning of March, the Ukrainian president accepted Volodymyr Zelensky With Mask on supplying batches of those devices.
  • Musk has already given Kiev a boost with what he helped the military deal with Disconnecting from the Internet.
  • With the first few weeks after the outbreak of the Russian operation, Ukraine was associated with 50 satellite From "stellar connection".
  • Through these services, the 39th Ukrainian Mechanized Brigade works comfortably in coordinating all weapons and operational points.
  • Through this service, he succeeded Ukrainian president In holding a daily video meeting to talk about the battles, as well as participating in many international meetings via technology "Enlarge".
  • A few days ago, a spokesperson revealed Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, that private American and European companies are involved in the processing of satellite data sent from Washington to Ukraine.


    Ukraine’s recognition of this malfunction underlines the significant role played by the regime Telecommunications Owned by a billionaire Elon Muskwhich provides Internet access through a group of SpaceX-owned satellites.

    According to political affairs researcher Samar Radwan, the Ukrainian regime has received thousands of “Starlink” devices, from the US government, and they have been funded by donors.

    The purpose of these devices, according to Radwan, is “to help Ukrainian forces to operate Dronesreceive vital information and communicate with each other in areas where no other secure networks exist.

    The Deputy Director of the “Realista” Study Center added, in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”: “The capabilities of these satellites are not limited to the collection of photographs, as some of them can see through the clouds and images inadequate weather conditions. and tracks the movements of the Russian forces at night. “

    These systems have helped, according to Radwan Kiev In setting a bank its goals after the Russian side signed a decision to annex the republics Donbass Vizaborujia Vakhirson.

    And Russian political analyst Andrei Ontikov felt that stopping these devices right now is proof that the West and Washington know how dangerous the situation is and cross the red line, and everyone doesn’t want the battles to be transferred to. Europe Completely as soon as it gets to the heart Russia“.

    Ontikov said, in a statement to “Sky News Arabia”, that “Europe will work in the next period to push for calm in order to find some sort of balance and not to get the situation out of control”.

    The importance of “Starlink”

    • At the beginning of March, the Ukrainian president accepted Volodymyr Zelensky With Mask on supplying batches of those devices.
    • Musk has already given Kiev a boost with what he helped the military deal with Disconnecting from the Internet.
    • With the first few weeks after the outbreak of the Russian operation, Ukraine was associated with 50 satellite From “Starlink”.
    • Through these services, the 39th Ukrainian Mechanized Brigade works comfortably in coordinating all weapons and operational points.
    • Through this service, he succeeded Ukrainian president In holding a daily video meeting to talk about the battles, as well as participating in many international meetings through the “Zoom” technology.
    • A few days ago, a spokesperson revealed Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, that private American and European companies are involved in the processing of satellite data sent from Washington to Ukraine.

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