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Malestroit. A new support vehicle for the Société Cycliste de Malestroit

Oust to Brocéliande

Posted on March 14, 2022

It was during the official presentation of the outfits on Saturday March 12 at the Charuel Agencement company in Saint Marcel that the new assistance vehicle was thus presented to the licensees, partners of the club.

and elected.

An important investment largely financed by the Departmental Council represented here by Rozenn Guéguan, but also by the Municipality of Malestroit whose mayor Bruno Gicquello appreciates according to his words the dynamism of the sports association which gives a good image on the roads of the Brittany.

The president of SC Malestroit, Jérôme Bihouée also invited Florence Prunet, who was heavily involved at the very beginning of the financing project when she was elected to the Departmental Council. But also the deputy Paul Molac used to follow the arrivals live on the circuits of the sector.

The 2022 cycling season is therefore off to a good start after two dark years due to the health crisis. Few competitions took place with the consequence of a drop in the number of licensees as everywhere else. With 72 licensees registered for this new season, the lights have returned to green. The events of the calendar are programmed as of yesteryear, so the licensees of SC Malestroit have all found the need to pin a bib on their back. Started by their leader Benjamin Lepourreau who obtained in the space of a week 2 places in the top 10 in the 3rd category.

With the acquisition of the assistance vehicle, of which the roof rack remains to be fixed, the club will be able to fully assume its role of technical assistance during the Boucles du Val d’Oust and Lanvaux which will be held at the end of May in Lizio. The Boucles Sérentaises will take place on a closed circuit. the GP Cycliste de Malestroit, St Jean de Villenard and the Coeur de Bretagne complete the list for which the Société Malestroit will ensure the smooth running of the events.

A thought for Armel Rousselot

Armel Rousselot, who died suddenly on February 21, was a true cycling enthusiast. Licensed for many years at SC Malestroit, organizers of the Ronde du Maquis in St Marcel in the years 2000-2010 (international juniors) alongside Jean-Gérard Giguet, then president of the Boucles du Val d’Oust and Lanvaux, Armel Rousselot will have left his mark on cycling in our territory.

The Société Cycliste de Malestroit will pay tribute to him throughout the season.

Charuel Agencement, Super U St Marcel-Malestroit, La Ferme du Coudrais, Cycles Chedaleux, Garage Renault Desnos, Thélem Assurances, Chatel Electricité, Diag et Solutions, Linévia, Maison Guihard, Kouaa Media
The next meetings of the cycling society
– April 24 Mozaïc Juniors Trophy in Missiriac
– May 22: Sérentaise loops
– May 29: Loops of Val d’Oust and Lanvaux in Lizio
– June 5: Saint Jean de Villenard
– June 11: Malestroit Cycling GP

-– July 3: The Heart of Brittany in Malestroit– July 17: The Caro Chapel

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