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Maleo, train overwhelms cars at level crossing: 34 year old dies. Arranged autopsy

Lodi, 16 August 2020 – Shock and disbelief in the Lodi and Cremona areas for the death of Elisa Conzadori, the 34 year old from Pizzighettone hit by a train while in her car. But it is not the first accident that occurs at this point: in July three years ago it was Another person, 77-year-old Bruno Bocca, was killed. In that case, the first investigations had established that the man had knocked down the bars and his car had been run over by a convoy.

the Lodi Public Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation into manslaughter and ordered one kinematic expertise on the bars. Those bars, according to some witnesses, which were raised when the 2651 Milan-Mantua regional train passed, which overwhelmed and crumpled the red Citroen C1 on which the victim was traveling. “We will immediately hear from the witnesses we had already listened to carefully yesterday – explained the prosecutor from Lodi Domenico Chiaro -. Quickly, then, we decided that we will perform a kinematic survey on the spot. Here a woman of only 34 years – he added – lost her life. Less bad that we have gods eyewitnesses“. Among the hypotheses malfunction is not excluded of the bar. With the testimonies acquired, including those of the police who first arrived on the spot, i.e. agents of the polfer and carabinieri, for the Prosecutor the elements available already appear in part sufficient to ascertain the framework of the any liability. The black box of the Milan-Mantua regional train, which could help to understand the exact dynamics of the accident.

It was also an autopsy has been ordered, scheduled for next Tuesday. “What happened was creepy and it is indignant to hear Rfi that there has been no failure“For Luca Moggi, mayor of Pizzighettone, the 34-year-old’s native town, what happened” could have happened to each of us because I believe that there are very few people who, crossing a level crossing, look first to the right and to the left instead to simply trust a bar
Raised. It’s terrible”.

The mayor of Maleo: “Abolish that level crossing”

“I ask for the elimination of the level crossing”, said the mayor of Maleo (Lodi), Dante Sguazzi, after the accident. “For some time – explains the mayor – the railway doubling of the Codogno-Mantua section has been planned. Now we have only one track and we are waiting for a second one. At least on the occasion of these works, as mayor, I ask that the railway barriers be absolutely removed and instead build an overpass or think of an alternative solution “. “We are in 2020 – adds the mayor – it is no longer possible to witness similar incidents. For years, within my three mandates, we have been asking for frequent and punctual checks. This step, it is well known, is frequented by many people. All the people who, from the lower Lodi area, move daily to Codogno for schools and supermarkets “. Starting tomorrow, he explains, “my main commitment will be to press the competent authorities and bodies to do this, urgently, everything possible to secure this strategic point. We immediately thought that there was a malfunction and eyewitnesses, especially one of them, confirmed it with their stories “.

Codacons: “Enough with level crossings”

Level crossings in Italy “have caused 17 deaths and 39 seriously injured in the last 3 years”. It was reported on Codacons commenting on the latest incident that occurred in Maleo, in the Lodi area. A story on which, according to the association, “the judiciary will have to investigate thoroughly and, in the event of Rfi’s responsibility for failure to maintain or control, proceed by complicity in manslaughter”. “The level crossings cause a trail of blood in our country every year and, despite the calls to increase safety and avoid tragedies, continue to claim victims – explains the president of Codacons Carlo Rienzi – For years we have been asking to replace these infrastructures, whose dangerousness is there for all to see, with underpasses or elevated roads, but profit issues make it more convenient to leave these obsolete and anachronistic transit systems in operation ” .

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