Home » World » Malcolm X’s family intends to sue the CIA, the FBI and the NYPD

Malcolm X’s family intends to sue the CIA, the FBI and the NYPD

  • Max Matza
  • BBC

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Elisa Shabazz accuses US security agencies of concealing evidence of her father’s murder from the site of his assassination 58 years ago

The daughter of black Muslim civil rights activist Malcolm X said she will sue New York City police and other agencies including the CIA and FBI over his 1965 murder.

Elisa Shabazz says US officials fraudulently concealed evidence revealing that they “conspired and carried out their plan to assassinate” her father.

Shabazz announced the planned legal action at a press conference from the site where her father was shot and killed in New York 58 years ago.

One of the lawyers said the FBI and CIA were also mentioned in the case’s legal file.

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