Home » today » World » Malaysian Airplane MH370 Allegedly Crashed in Cambodian Forest, Appears in Satellite Image

Malaysian Airplane MH370 Allegedly Crashed in Cambodian Forest, Appears in Satellite Image

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 still remains a mystery. Various speculations developed over the disappearance of the plane that flew from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China.

The latest confession comes from Andre Milne. He and his team from Unicorn Aerospace believe they have almost solved the mystery. According to the investigation, he has found satellite imagery of plane MH370 in the Cambodian jungle.

He told Express.co.uk that he cross-referenced the image with his contacts at the US Pentagon and the White House. Initially he intended to launch a helicopter reconnaissance mission early next year.

The last communique of the crew of Malaysia Airlines MH370 was recorded over the South China Sea, about 38 minutes after takeoff. Shortly after, air traffic controllers lost track of the plane but could still be tracked by military radar for about an hour.

Radar data showed the plane deviated from its planned route and disappeared about 200 nautical miles northwest of the Malaysian island of Penang.

Andre Milne believes the plane may have crashed over Cambodia, which lies in northeastern Malaysia, between Thailand and Vietnam. This allegation comes after some evidence emerged showing that the missing plane was last pinged across the country. The information was initially ignored.

According to Milne, he sent two teams to Cambodia. After months of planning, they went to the Cambodian jungle and determined the crash site. “The location is almost impossible to reach on foot. Then a surveillance drone was sent to confirm the state of the crash site which is now overgrown with forest vegetation,” he said.

The only way to reach the crash site of the Malaysian Arilines now, Milne said, is by helicopter reconnaissance. He will also enlist the help of teams from China, Russia and the United States for remote sensing.

“I remember that the last signal actually received from MH370 to Malaysian Operations Control was actually from Cambodia. The signal was erroneously ignored because Inmarsat’s alleged Southern Indian Ocean data was deemed more reliable. We all know now how the search mission for MH370 ended, but it failed miserably. “

According to investigators, shared satellite images show the before and after locations of the disappearance of flight MH370. He believed the pictures, in comparison, would reveal something in the forest.

Other images shared, such as showing the layout of the Boeing 777 at 1:1 scale. The image matches the scale of Malaysia Flight MH370.

So far, a number of speculations have developed, including planes Malaysia Airlines fall into the sea. Pieces of the plane’s wreckage were found along the coast in the region, which suggests that the plane may not have crashed on hard ground. Reports in 2018 indicated the possibility of interference by a third party in the disappearance of the aircraft.

Read: Independent Expert Suspects Pilot of Flight MH370 Deliberately Off Track


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