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Malang City Alerts for Happy Hypoxia, These are the Symptoms

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NUSADAILY.COM – MALANG – Recently, the case of happy hypoxia has become a public conversation. Symptoms of silent hypoxemia (another name for happy hypoxia) are starting to be found in patients who have confirmed positive for Covid-19. In fact, it caused death.

Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Malang City Health Service (Dinkes), Dr. Husnul Muarif explained, happy hypoxia is a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood that is not accompanied by complaints or symptoms felt by the patient. Even though in the case of Covid-19, patients have several categories. Starting from asymptomatic, mild, moderate to severe, to critical. Generally, Covid-19 patients have symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia.

“Judging from the vocabulary, happy is happy, hypoxia is lacking oxygen. This is one of the manifestations of Covid-19, because people feel there are no symptoms, “he explained.

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Husnul explained, happy hypoxia is much different from pneumonia. This is because pneumonia can be detected beforehand with symptoms ranging from mild, such as flu, to moderate or severe symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sweating, chills, chest pain when inhaling or coughing, decreased appetite, weakness, heart rate increases.

“If there is clear pneumonia complaints, there are symptoms in the respiratory tract, that’s definitely it,” he said.

Meanwhile, people with happy hypoxia will not raise any complaints. Patient continues to be active as usual. But suddenly the oxygen demand in the body is inhibited. Lack of oxygen demand in the body can be said to be due to exposure to the incoming virus from Covid-19.

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“People feel that they have no complaints, so when their activities are normal their oxygen needs suddenly become obstructed. That’s what makes her hypoxia when she is doing her usual activities. Well, the non-supply of oxygen is partly due to exposure to the Covid-19 virus, “he added.

Husnul emphasized that currently, in Malang City there are still no cases of happy hypoxia. However, his party still urges the public to always be vigilant in carrying out activities. Remember, people with happy hypoxia are people with healthy conditions. However, it can be dangerous to transmit the virus to others.

“So far there has been no (happy hypoxia case in Malang City), hopefully it will not happen because the mobility of Malang City residents is also high. For that, the public must also be vigilant because we are 100 percent spared or not exposed to Covid-19 and we don’t know yet, “he said.

In line with Husnul, Mayor of Malang, Sutiaji again appealed to residents to maintain health.

“By using a mask, keep your distance and wash your hands using soap and hand sanitizer. This also aims to reduce the number of spread of covid-19, “he concluded.(nda / lna)

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