MAYIBOUTH (north-east), October 22 (AGP) – The distribution operation of complete school kits, launched last Thursday by the company Alpha centauri mining (ACM), was completed this Saturday by the schools of Mayibouth 2 and 1, in the M’vady district.
Exceptionally, students, teachers and parents were mobilized for the occasion, in order to receive their complete school kits. A total of 300 kits were distributed to learners in these two schools.
Happy and satisfied with the gesture of the donors during this back-to-school period, the director of the Mayibouth 2 school, Patrick Notse, wanted to thank the benefactors, and took ” the commitment to make good use of these textbooks, with the aim of promoting the development of students « .
The director of Mayibouth 2 school, Patrick Notse.
The ceremony was chaired by the prefect of the Ivindo department, Adélaïde Chantal Ngovet-Nkoghe.
This action is part of the social responsibility of the ACM which aims to improve the living conditions of the populations of the villages impacted by its gold mining activity.